Chapter 56: A bit of the past

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"I don't care" I groan in annoyance "She needs to get out of there as soon as possible" I growl making Allen sigh as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"I understand but-" he starts but I cut him off getting annoyed. We're currently struggling with their location, if we knew where they were Maya would've already been out of that hell. When she was taken a few followed them but they or got attack or killed.

"I don't want any excuses!" I yell getting frustrated "I want her out!" I shout before wincing from the sudden pain I got from my stomach. It's been a week since I woke up and usually I'd be fine but the removal of wolfspane was taking a bit more time than we expected.

"Send tracker, send drones, I don't care just find her" I whisper feeling defeated.

"We're already on it" he assures me placing a hand on my shoulder. "It'll be okay Josh, we'll find her".

"I just want her with me" I cry looking up at her "I-I failed her" I whine making Allen shake his head as he pulls me in for a hug. "No, no, don't think like that".

"But it's the truth, dad I-I lost her" I sob gripping onto Allen tighter. "We'll find her, she'll be with you before you know it" he assures me rubbing my back comfortably.

"Thank you" I whisper forcing a smile as I look up at him. "Don't mention it" He waves me off. "And please call me dad more often" he adds making my eyes widen. I was so caught up being sad that I didn't even realise I called him dad.

I smile and nod, "Okay dad" I say making the widest smile pull at his lips. He pulls me back into a tight hug and I wince from the pain. "Sorry" he apologises with a soft chuckle, wiping a stray tear.

"Don't be"


"Oh Maya" Ryan chants making me close my eyes as I take a deep breath. The door is thrown open and there he is grinning from ear to ear, excited to see what I do today.

"How are we feeling today?" He asks walking towards me. He stops in front of me and kneels down as he waits for an answer. I shrug making him roll his eyes, "Words sweetheart, I want to hear your voice" he says lifting his hand up, I flinch at the sudden gesture making him smirk. "How are we feeling today?" He asks again.

"Okay" I whisper making him nod as his fingers softly run against my cheek. Though it's a soft gesture, I can't help the tears that are falling from my eyes. I don't want him touching me.

"Do you want to take a walk outside?" He asks softly. Depending on his mood he'd take me out to an indoor garden, to be honest I think he just want to see if I'm going to shift or not.

I shake my head and before I know it my breakfast is coming out and landing on Ryan's shoes. My eyes widen as I notice the mess I did and now I'm terrified to look up at him. " Are you serious?" He asks angrily making me wince.

He grips my chin tightly causing me to whine before he lifts my head up to look at me. "You've been puking for weeks, what the hell is wrong with you?" He growls making me shiver.

"Answer!" He yells throwing my head backwards so it hits the wall. I let out a scream when he hits my head once more. "Why have you been throwing up?!" He yells one more time and since I don't answer him, I'm thrown against the wall again.


What? Who was that?

"Answer me you bitch" one more hit.

"Is daddy coming back?"

Who is that?

I'm thrown against the wall once more before everything goes dark.


Suddenly a little boy that looks way too similar to Josh appears.

"Daddy" he's little brows furrow in confusion and he suddenly turns around with a smirk. "Found you" he giggles as a man comes out of a hidding spot. "You're such a smart boy" He compliments ruffling his hair, "You're going to be a great Alpha" he adds making the widest smile on Josh appear.

How am I seeing this? This is Josh's past, why am I able to see this?

Everything goes black again before I'm suddenly met with Ryan's red face. "Do you know how fucking rude you are?". Again I'm thrown against the wall and I'm met with darkness once more.

"Please don't leave me" I hear him whine. What's happening?

"Daddy" he sobs and I finally see him. He's on the floor next to his dad who looks terrible. "Dad" he shouts trying to shake his dad awake, but from the looks of his situation, he doesn't look like he's about to wake up.

"I need you" Josh screams making my heart break.

"Josh?" Who's that? He clearly isn't someone from the pack. He seems about Josh's age. He has blonde hair and green eyes. I can't think of anyone in the pack who looks like that, that's also around Josh's age.

"This is all your fault!" Josh shouts taking the boy aback. "This wasn't suppose to happen" the boy whines.

"I don't care Ryan, my dad died!" Josh cries as my eyes widen. That's Ryan. He looks a lot more different now. His blonde hair turned brown and his eyes are a darker shade of green, one could say it's almost brown.

"Mine too" he whispers, but Josh scoffs "Yours killed everyone he deserved to die. I said I'll talk to my dad to get you in the pack, you promised you wouldn't tell your dad!"

This is starting to make a lot more sense.

"I don't ever want to see you, you'll stay a rogue forever, now leave" Josh growls as the boy let's a few tears escape before running off into the woods.

"Alpha let her go!" Jaxton and a few other are trying to get him off of me. "She's had enough" He yells successfully pulling him off of me as I collapse to the ground. The pull Ryan out of the room and Jaxton stays behind, he kneels down and lifts his hand making my eyes widen as I instantly start to whine.

"It's okay" he assures me but I shake my head and push myself backwards far away from him. He sighs and stands up before leaving the room and closing the door.

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