So It Begins

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Darcy's Pov

I open my eyes to find my wounds wrapped. I'm laying on the bed in an oversized Captain America T-shirt and red lace panties. Last thing I remembered I was in bath water. Ugh meaning he dressed me. My cheeks flame at the thought. When I try to move off the bed I'm jerked back down. He stares into my eyes like he's trying to find something.

"Why did you do it?" He sounds broken. Why? It's not like it tried cutting him.

I don't respond for a bit. I'm trying to figure out what his angle is. He keeps throwing me off. Why does he act so cruel and overpowering, yet at the same time acts like he honestly cares for me? Why do men always have to be so damn complicated? I'm not sure how to play this. How to make it out of here. Alive.

"I..I'm not sure. I just acted without thinking. It's like something came over me. I couldn't stop it." That's it. Just go with honesty. They it's the best policy,right?

"I was worried about you, ya know?"

"Why?" It slips out of my mouth before I even think about it. He gives me a shocked look like I should know why.

"Why? Because you are my wife and I love you. I want you safe at home and with me at all times. That's why I paid so much to have you rescued. It's also why I killed the dog who beat you on your journey." He places gentle kisses on my cheek and down my neck.

I'm to stunned by what he said to stop him. He seriously thinks by kidnapping me that he rescued me. I'm confused.

He must take my silence and lack of struggle for acceptance because he moves to lay on top of me pinning me down.

"What the hell?!?!" I push him off of me.

"Did I hurt you? Oh pudding, I'm so sorry. Or are you still too traumatized?" What is he talking about?

"Umm yeah. That's it. I'm too trauma...traumatized." I look away from him trying to play up the act. Maybe if I play my cards right I can fool him into believing my little charade. I can gain my freedom.

"Oh sugar, I'm sorry! What was I thinking. I'll umm.... I'll just.... I'll let you have some time alone for a bit. Ring the bell on the nightstand if you need anything." He exists the room quietly closing the door.

I wait until I listen until I hear his footsteps fade out before going to the door. Rats! It's locked. Should've known it would be. There's a window, but no way I can get out through it. There's bars across the screen. I hear a noise at the door so I jump back on the bed making it look like I'm resting. A familiar voice chuckles.

"I know you aren't asleep, baby cakes. I heard the bed bounce when you jumped on it."

I open my eyes to glare into the eyes of the devil himself. There before me stood Boone's brother.

"What? Not thrilled to see me?" He fakes a hurt expression.

"Oh, I'm sorry was I supposed to give a damn about the man who murdered my brother? You'll have to forgive my lack of enthusiasm. My give a damn's busted."

"You never fail to entertain. You're like a little spit-fire." He laughs.

"As much as I'd love to go back and forth with you we have matters to discuss. You're probably wondering about the changes in Bryant. I'll explain. You see, my company is experimenting with a new drug. It alters ones....mental state. It wipes past memories or alters them, given the right dosages. The patient can then be easily manipulated into believing anything. The drug leaves no traces in the system either. I'm going to make millions with this!" Cue evil laughter. Insert eye roll. So "evil genius" typical.

"So what do you get out of manipulating Bryant?" I raise my eyebrow and fold my arms across my chest.

"Control of his company. I'm his best friend, or so he thinks. He made me his CEO giving me full control everything. He thinks you're his loving wife who was kidnapped so that I can torture my brother. What better way than for someone else to have his girl? You'll also be receiving complementary torture. Boys, grab her." He turns and says the last part to someone in the hall.

My arms are grabbed by two gigantic hulks. A blindfold is slipped across my eyes. Ugh seriously?!? Again with the blindfold! I'm lifted before I know it. I'm being tousled about like I'm an object not a person.

I'm slammed into a chair and chained. My eyes are uncovered. The room is dark except for a huge tv screen that's lit up in front of me.

"Administer the drug."

I feel cool liquid flow through my veins. My head feels foggy. I'm so tired I don't know if I'll be able to stay awake. My head falls forward only to be grabbed and strapped back. I have no control of my muscle movement.

The screen in front of me starts to flash with millions of pictures. No sound. The pictures stop suddenly. A black and white swirl appears. I can't help but be mesmerized in my drugged state. Every little bit I'm tased. I let out a cry of pain, begging someone to end this.

"Boone is whose causing this. He causes you pain. He hurts you. By the end of all this torture. You'll only equate him to trouble. He played you. He never really wanted you. He's the reason your brother is dead."

I try to whisper a no but it dies in my throat. I'm too weak to even speak. I can't give in. Must keep fighting. Silently I pray for Boone to find me quickly before it's too late.

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