the return(zach's pov)

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so this morning i woke up with tera still sleeping and jack talking on the phone most likely with his mom because they are very close.... but i got up got dressed and went on a walk and was looking at instagram. i seen Gabbie had posted... it was a plane picture saying she going somewhere.... i didn't pay attention on where she was going but i probably should have.... i walked back and laid on the couch waiting for Tera to come down... i was gonna spend some time with her because jack wont do anything with her... and when she asks he says no he is busy so i'm going to spend time with her today... finally twenty minutes later tera came down so i told her we were going to go get ice cream and she literally ran to the door....

i told her we were going to take skate boards and she agreed and grabbed hers that daniel got her...

tera: whats wrong with jack?

zach: what do you mean

tera: he has been on the phone for literally three hours and its not his mom

zach: then who..

tera: he said something like " have a safe flight" or something like that

zach: what was her name?

tera: addi? abby? gabbie yea thats it gabbie!

zach: you serious?

tera: yea..

zach: well you get to meet her and hate her

tera: oh okay?

zach: what kind of ice cream do you want?

tera: vanilla cone

zach: same then...

after we got our ice cream and rode back home to wait and see when the devil was going to show up....

right as we walked in and sat down gabbie knocked on the door..

tera: got it??

gabbie:hi im here for jack

tera: sorry you cant see my dad...

gabbie: what are you???

tera: and what are you the devil?

gabbie: i came from heaven just so you know...

tera: i think you came from hell just look at you...

gabbie: you cant talk to me like that..

tera: you cant stop me your not my mother

gabbie: i will be soon!

tera: what do you mean?

gabbie: im gonna break up jack and zach and marry jack

tera: no i think your wrong...

dad you got a visitor!

jack: who

tera: your girlfriend thats what she says

jack: gabbie oh she is just a friend..


zach: hmh

tera: can we play fortnite?

zach: yea *wink*

jack: so gabbie what are you doing here

gabbie: just wanted to see you jacky

thats when she kissed him and i seen him kiss back...

zach: jack..* i said it in the most hurt voice ever..*

i grabbed tera brought her to her room and told her to pack and she did.. we left and i booked us a flight back to beverly hills to stay with daniel and i already called him and he said it was fine and that jack was wrong for doing that... i went to jack and i's room and put the ring on the nightstand.. and left..

jack: baby where are you going??

zach: dont call me that and im leaving...

jack: but baby


jack: but...

and tera was already walking to the airport and we are lucky we live near there.... and we left to go live with daniel for awhile....


i wanted to publish this before i stop publishing for a little bit but im gonna try and write but i probably wont...

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