Do you remember?? (Zachs pov)

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Well last night after Daniel left we went out to eat at chipotle... And went to redbox to get the movie love Simon.. It is kinda a good movie I guess. But I wouldn't know the ending I was sleeping...
       I woke up this morning with a note taped to my nightstand...
Come down stairs to find the five things you love most.
So I went down stairs thinking he had my family here but Nope... He had my favorite movie, my hair gel, our dog,my phone... I was thinking that's only four but then I realized that Jack had himself as a gift I guess.. I seen him smile grabbing my hand and bringing me to the first place we went on a date... The skate park... With another note... Do you remember how we first met???~Jack
Flashback~zach's pov
Today was the day when I got to meet Daniel and his friend. I'm walking to the place with corbyn and Jonah... I told Daniel to meet us at my favorite coffee place. When we walked in I saw Daniel and a curly headed boy with just a beautiful eyes... Daniel saw that we walked in and he practically ran to me to do our handshake... We made it up in third grade... Then I introduced Jonah and corbyn to Daniel and Daniel waved over his friend... His name was Jack and he looks kinda shy but not really.
Jack: hey I'm Jack Dani's friend
Jonah: hey I'm Jonah
Corbyn: I'm corbyn or corbitch
Daniel: hey I'm Daniel
Jonah: and this is Zach
Jack: didn't you do a cover to stitches??
Zach: yea
Jonah: Daniel didn't you do a cover to youth??
Daniel: yea, corbyn you did. Cover to let me love you
Corbyn: yep...
Jack: I have a great idea
Jonah: and that is??
Jack: let's be a band
Daniel: I'm done
Jonah: I'm in
Corbyn: okay
Zach: I guess
After that Jack wanted to hangout so we did...

Jack: so Zach...
Zach: mhm
Jack: where did you grow up???
Zach: Houston Texas I moved here two years ago
Jack: cool....
Zach: race you to the swings
Jack: you like a little child but I'm in...
I ended up winning but not by much...
Jack: Zach just so you know..
Zach: mhm
Jack: I'm gay
Zach: same
Jack: really
Zach: yea
I thought it was weird he was telling me this but not really because I actually have a crush on him...
End of flashback

Zach: I was so shy
Jack: and childish
Zach: but you love me either way
Jack: true
Zach: hey jacky I love you
Jack: I love you to babe..
After a whole day of finding notes we got back about 10 so I just went and crawled in bed and went to sleep cuddling Jack.... Best day ever...

Aye double update... How you guys like both chapters...

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