in Beverly Hills( Zach's pov)

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So now that Jachary is real and we went public.. I have been getting more hate then usual... But I didn't care because i had a good family, good friends, a boyfriend thats all i needed right now to make me happy

Time skip-----

Jack and I later decided to go to a bar and just have fun...  But what happened next made me so guilty.. I will tell you what happened...

Jack: hey i gotta go to the bathroom... brb

Zach: ok i will be right here

Jack: k

 After about three minutes I turned around really fast and I thought it was Jack who was grabbing my waist... But it was some blonde And she kissed me, I tried so many times to get away from her kiss but I just couldn't. A couple seconds later i heard someone say my name sadly... The blonde stopped kissing me and i saw it was jack who said my name... I seen Jack run out and I ran after him. He hopped into a taxi and I heard the diver say "well your my last customer tonight", that meant I had to walk home... almost four miles...

   After I got home I went straight to Corbyn's room to tell him what happened... He understood what happened because it happened to him and Christina. He went and talked to Jack and told him what happened. Jack knew he was telling the truth but I thought he wouldn't believe Corbyn..  So I went into the bathroom and cut my hand every time I did something wrong.. In the end the total was 8 cuts... I bandaged them up to hide what just happened and went to see what Jack was doing.. He was standing in front of the door. I looked at the floor and seen blood I forgot to clean it up.. Jack knew what happened.. he rolled up my sleeves and took the bandages and just stared at them.....

     Jack wanted to talk after he was done crying. So we went outside, right away he pulled me into a hug. He started to apologize for not asking me what happened. After that we went upstairs to cuddle.. He fell asleep watching 47 meters down and here I am still watching the movie by myself. When I woke up I had a breakfast table over top of me and Jack writing on paper.. Because Jack made me breakfast in bed....

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