Chapter 5

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I had my stuff with me while I was waiting in the lobby. I'm not actually leaving New York, I just have to make it look like I'm leaving with them. So I went to the airport and waited near the place where they would be getting onto the plane. I texted Scott.

Hey I'm at the airport.
They start boarding
in an hour and 15 mins.
9:03 am

Okay I am going to
be a little late.
9:04 am

Why are you so early?
9:05 am

Better seat.
9:07 am

Makes sense.
9:07 am
I sat next to a fat guy
who kept talking about how his
underwear itched.
9:09 am

9:10 am

We will be there
9:12 am

Better hurry up.
9:14 am

I was sitting on the floor waiting for them to arrive, hiding. It had been an hour and 15 minutes.

Dude! Hurry up!
They've started letting people on board.
10:29 am

Okay okay we're here.
10:32 am

I'm already on the plane.
It's filling up fast.
10:35 am

Okay we're on the plane.
10:37 am

10:40 am

I got up from my spot and went to the window and viewed the plane.

Hey where are you? I'm in my original seat.
10:52 am

Oh I'm near the back.
It gets me as far away from you sweating dog smell of you when you got nervous. Lol!
10:55 am

I did not smell like a wet dog!
10:57 am

Yes you did. You smelled like Prada when he goes swimming and I forget to dry him off.
10:59 am

Why are you texting Lydia you're sitting right next to me?
11:00 am

Oh I'm the dumb one? Who's the one who replied're sitting right next to me. Why didn't you just tell me that?
11:03 am

11:04 am

I'll talk to you guys later...maybe. I'll see you at home...again maybe.
11:07 am

Okay see you later
11:09 am

More like see you never again because that's what it feels like to me. I saw the plane start to pull away from the airport and head down the runway. The plane was soon in the sky and flying back home. Good bye, Scott. Goodbye friend. Until the next time. I turned around and headed to Queens. I shut my location off on my phone and all my other devices. Everything that could tell people my location was disabled. I took my wallet out and changed my id from Stiles Stilinski to Peter Parker. I shoved my Stiles id in my pocket. I put my wallet back into my pocket and continued on to my new living arrangement in Queens with my aunt and uncle.

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