Chapter 15: It's All Very Complicated

Start from the beginning

"Go to your left," Edge directs from behind me. I comply, even though I don't want to. But I honestly have no idea where I'm going.

We walk up the cement ramp around the building to the entrance. We're immersed in a crowd of mostly Companions and the kids from the dorms. People press into me from all sides, and I quickly glance back to see if Edge is there. I don't see him.

"Edge!" I cry, making sure to keep walking forward. It would actually be so much easier if I didn't have to sit next to him. But I don't think it works like that.

"Edge!" I call again, glancing back so quickly I'm not actually able to see anything. I feel a hand on my back and I jump.

"Calm down. It's me. Now keep walking forward," Edge says into my ear. If I wasn't so claustrophobic at the moment, I would tell him not to touch me. But people keep bumping in to me and I'm getting frustrated.

"Hunter, I know it isn't gonna sound good coming from me, but you need to chill out," Edge says. I go to clench my teeth, but realize they're already clenched. I feel my nails digging into my palms and loosen my fists.

"There we go."

"Shut up."

We turn a corner, and the crowd is squeezing through the entrance gates. I take a deep breath and mentally prepare myself before joining the rush through the gates. People are pushing me and I nearly trip, but after about twenty seconds, I'm through. I look around in awe, but Edge pushes me forward.

People are talking about who they think is going to win and go into complicated analysis as to why. Parents are buying their kids food from vendors. Kids from the dorms are walking around in groups, finally liberated from their lines, buying junk food with their specially allotted credits for today only. I find it extremely stupid how the Companions get our ID cards with our credits tomorrow. Bad timing, I guess.

Probably fed up with pushing me everywhere, Edge gives up and walks in front of me. I follow him through the crowds of people and up a flight of stairs to our seats. He chooses some on the end in the shade. I sit next to him uncomfortably, taking in the Arena.

Four cement pillars, ten feet in the air, in four different corners. The two pillars closest to what I assume to be the entrance for the competitors have rope ladders leading up to them, and metal boxes at the top. The ones directly across have targets standing on top. In the center of the square on the ground are two tablet-desk things.

Once I've taken in the whole set-up, I look around at the people sitting around us, just trying to avoid Edge. I pick at a hangnail. I play with my hair, braiding it, then unbraiding, then braiding it differently, then unbraiding it. On my seventh braid, Edge clears his throat, and I secure the braid with a hairband, then fold my hands neatly in my lap.

"Stop that," Edge says. We're both looking straight forward at the Arena.

"Stop what?"

"Your leg. Stop bouncing your leg like that. It's annoying."

I stop.

"Ten minutes." I jump at the sound of a deep voice echoing throughout the Arena. People cheer. I awkwardly clap a few times so weakly that I don't actually contribute any noise, then fold my hands in my lap once more. I hear Edge sigh. We both look straight ahead at the Arena set up, but our minds are anywhere but on the upcoming Tournament.

"Okay. Okay, I can't do this anymore. I'm really sorry about last night, alright?"

I don't speak. Edge sighs again and turns away.

"Fine. Whatever."

I don't want to speak to soon. I count to thirty in my head, then make it fifty, just to be safe before asking.

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