The banishment!

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Chucks pov

My day started out like normal, I woke up then I went to breakfast. Around breakfast time Alby, Nick, Newt and Gally came in like they were bodyguards. Nick had rope with him and Newt had his usual pocket knife (which I could tell had been sharpened). Great so they are going to feed me to the Grievers, the medjack's hut is starting to seem really cosy right about now. I was finishing up eating my food, when Newt noticed me.

"He greenie don't worry, this stuff isn't for you. It is for Daniel, he is getting banished today." Newt exclaimed, clapping me on the back.

Remember what I said about the medjack hut , yeah? forget it.

"Daniel is getting executed?" I asked.

"No, well kind of.. he is getting banished because he broke so many rules." He answered back.

"Anyway you better go a meet Clifhook he is the keeper of the sloppers. Good luck Chuckie." He said walking away.

I had so many questions, about literally everything he said. Like why banishment?, um what does Clifhook look like? and where am I meant to find him?

When I was walking back to my room, or Newt's and Minho's and I's room. A boy came up to me and told me his name is his Clifhook. He looked around the age of me, maybe slightly older. We spent the next hours going on a tour of the everything we usually would clean up. We ended the tour in the utility closet, near the deadheads. It was also used for people when they got spanked, yes that happens, which I found out last week. Newt is definitely the more a mom and Minho is definitely more of a Dad.

He gave me a bucket and mop and told me to start cleaning up the bathrooms Yayy this won't be gross. Well I spent the next three hours gagging and trying my hardest not to throw up, I am currently just finishing up. I had my head down near the last pee bucket. When I felt like actually throwing up, I went to another pee bucket. Why I decided to throw up in a clean one, I have no idea. It would've made sense to throw up into the one I was currently cleaning. I heard chuckling behind me, as I exhaled my insides out of me, I yelled at however the intruder is, this stall is occupied. Turning around there stood my most favourite keepers, note the sarcasm. You guessed it, Newt and Minho. They stood laughing to themselves and me continuing to glare at them instead of saying something. It's like they have a tracker on me, they always find me... maybe I just found something to occupy myself with later, maybe I can lure Jack into my plan also.

"Good news, we are having a bonfire tonight. We never got the chance to celebrate you coming into our world. (A/N did anybody think of childbirth when they read that? No, okay guess it's only me.) We normally wouldn't have a bonfire night on the same day a banishment, bad timing I guess." Minho trailed off, thinking about what he just told me.

"I know you guys find me annoying but I am not the bonfire am I?" I asked.

"No, no, we don't banish people just because they are annoying well... I mean no, you most definitely are not getting banished on our watch and we are most definitely not cooking you." Newt explained the british accent sounded very clear,

"Okay, so now that that's sorted I hope, can get going, Nick said he wanted you to watch the banishing." Minho said as he turned to walk out the door.

Newt walking right beside him stopped suddenly looking at him. "Why does he want chuck to watch the banishing? He never lets anybody but the keepers watch.

Minho, who kept walking, brushed off his worry, saying " I don't know, something about him being young and impressionable.

"He thinks I'm impressionable? Well I am going to show him that I am not." I said, turning to walk in the direction of Nick's room. When two hands grab my biceps pulling me backward.

"Nope. what Nick says, goes. His ways of getting the message of never leaving glade if you're a non runner can be a bit unethical but they work everytime." Newt says, never loosening my grip from my arm.

"So cool we can call this cruel and unusual? in which I feel much safer anywhere but near him." I exclaimed, still putting much of my energy into slowing us down. I am being mostly dragged and barely walking.

"Guys, wouldn't this make more sense if you carry me there, we clearly aren't moving much or making much progress, I also really don't want to see this go down." I said hoping to show how reluctant I was to actually go to see this "interesting" display of authority.

Newt took the moment of me struggling to sternly say " CHUCK! (did I say that he said it, yes well scratch that he more yelled it) Get your feet moving, Me and Minho have to be there, were keepers after all." To be fair they were pulling me backwards, so I couldn't see how close we were to the doors, not that I was that eager to get there in a hurry.

I feel Minho and Newt suddenly pull me forward and turn me around, I can now see a group of boys, and all the keepers standing around the doors, I hear the sound of Daniel begging to be let go and not banished, turning around I see Alby, Nick, and Gally walking our direction. Gally holding a struggling Daniel by his bicep. What's with keepers and holding us by our biceps?

They passed us and started to walk to the doors where the group was huddled, I could see Daniel's hands tied around his back and his mouth was gagged, so the begging and pleading sounds kinda just came out as weird squeaks and grunts. I feel bad and I kinda wanted to stop it and save him. It's not like he is stung and slowly going crazy. By now Minho and Newt have also joined the huddle. I see Gally push Daniel down on to his knees (ooh kinky, comedic interlude from the author, lol sorry back to the story.) and cut the ties of the ropes and the gag, freeing him of any of the binds. Almost immediately after he is freed, he starts begging again for forgiveness, I can't really imagine how terrified he must be. The doors start to shake and slowly close, Daniel stands up and walks towards them calmly, then walks through the small opening as the doors finally close with a loud bang.

Authors Note

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