In My Defence....Yeah I got nothing

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Chuck's pov (oh yeah we back)

So it's been about a week since Nick attempted to scare me with Daniel's banishment, which he kinda did. I did mean to tell him before that I had no intention of going out there, but now I kinda want to... not veryfar or for too long because I don't want to get lost or get stuck out there during the night. Minho and Nick were out there about four days ago and they got lost. Minho came back, but Nick didn't. The next morning when the North doors opened, Nick's shirt was on the ground, torn up in shreds, and Alby is currently adjusting to be Leader of the glade. He elected Newt as his second in command. I also moved back in with Newt and Minho (Yippee!)... well, it could be worse, Jake could still be sleeping in my hammock. He also moved back in with Gally, while Alby takes over Nick's room. The keepers also recently adapted a new form of discipline for the young shanks, aka me and Jake. They called it hitting (spanking) which involves us being across someone's lap and they smack-in our behinds, and Minho can hit hard.

I hate cleaning up the animals' klunk, and the lovely humans' klunk too, which is actually sometimes pleasant because they are grown boys and they can sort of clean up after themselves. I am trying really hard not to throw up while cleaning. I keep thinking about going out in the maze; I can't seem to shake that idea from my head while I am cleaning the pigs pen out, which is truly a delightful experience.

"You okay Chuckie? You look like you are going to throw up," Newt asks, crouching down beside me.

"You try cleaning up pig klunk, see how you feel!" I wasnot in the mood to be speaking to someone, especially someone who could hit me any minute, if he wanted.

"You try being second in command and see you feel," Newt answered back. He's on top of the "answering back with sarcastic humor" game today.

"Sure, how about tomorrow? There are some things around here that I want to change," I told Newt back.

"Yeah, not going to happen. If you don't want to finish this, I could always use some help weeding," Newt said.

"Is that what you're doing? Going around and recruiting people to do your work?" I replied back kinda harshly. "Ask the baggers, they aren't much since no one has died recently, except Nick." Newt cuffed me around the head for that comment. Geez, tough crowd.

He got up to walk away, after I politely denied his request for manual labor. A chicken that had gotten loose from the chicken coop ran up to us.

"Aww, he is so cute! I am going to keep you so I can finally have a glad pet. I will name you Sally." I said to the chicken even though it couldn't answer me back.

"Uh, I hate to break your bubble, but Minho and I don't want a pet in our room and I am pretty sure that Frypan plans to cook him for dinner," Newt said, pointing to Winston and Frypan walking towards us.

"No cook another chicken! I have an emotional connection with this one." Everyone around me rolled their eyes at that comment.

"You just met it two seconds ago," Newt said.

"It's not a it, it's a girl named Sally."

"Oh for the love of the people that put us here, you named her?" Frypan exclaimed.

"Put it down, 1..." Newt began to count.

"It's a she! Oh, come on!"




"Fine! Here, I promise I will try to save some of your brothers and sisters."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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