The Gathering

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Chucks pov

I have been here for only a few minutes, already I know that you can cross being arunner off my list. But on the bright side I am getting closer to those huge concrete doors and whatever is on the other side of them, I don't care I need to get out of here. I take a quick glance over my shoulder to see that the boys are getting closer. I just made a quick bee line and quickly get lost in a forest but where I am sorta of looks like a graveyard, you no what I can hang out here for while, I will see sneak back out those doors later.

" I miss my parents that is if I have any I wish I could see them again (this line is in the movie)" I said to no one impractical.

" yeah we all do" some one said.

Either way it made me jump.

" w..wh..who is there" I said my voice becoming very shaky just like it had in the box.

" Me Newt" He said coming out of the shadows.

" oh sorry for running away I was scared" I said my voice still shaking.

" It's is okay it happens, My name Newt I know you already know but I thought I would tel you again okay hey hey clam down' New said kneeling in front of me I think I will like this guy.

" Am I the youngest here" I said starting to cry a little.

" Yeah, but not by much there is are these boys named Daniel and Jack, they ar enot much older then you. Your not the first one to cry here, lots of others have done it before you too, just Alby uselly yells at them to toughen the shuck up or they can spend a night in the pit. But we tend to be softer of the young'ns then the older ones. Normally green bean get to have there  mental breakdown in the pit for a while. " He said.

 "What will happen when I get back" I said.

" Well, Alby will probably want to yell at you, for trying run out of here, you will be put in the slammer because you were going to run into the maze and your not allowed, also it is one of our rules. But before that we will have gathering deciding wether or not to keep you in the slammer  for two days or if it would be best for you to stay with a keeper. If I were you I would be praying for the second one." He said starting to walk back to the glade with me following behind him also knowing that when I get back there is going to be alot of yelling. 

" Newt!" Alby yelled running over to us " you found him, you" he said pointing to me looking like he wanted to feed to me a shark  or what ever they do around here. " you are in so much trouble".

But then he looked down at and his eyes widened, I think he is starting too realize how young I actually was because he didn't really get a good look at me before.

" What's with the creators sending us all these young ones. So I guess him,Jack and Daniel are going to be friends" Alby said now talking to Newt.

" Before you drag him to the gathering I wanted to tell you that I found him crying near the deadheads and he is still emotional. I mean everyone is but he is really young. But please go a bit softer on him." Newt exclaimed.

 At this point I was starting to inch away from the conversation, when I was at the point when I was about to run away,I fell into a light blue top, looking up I realized I had bumped into the keeper of the runners, Minho. Then I felt  someone grasp my hair in a really tight hold ow! It was to hurt.                     

" oh no you are coming to the gathering and I rather not have a another disappearing act out of you greenbean." Alby said yelling at me. I realized that Newt was the one holding me I could feel my eyes start to fil with tears. 

" No come on lets go ya shank" Alby said.

Authors note

Hope you enjoyed this chapter honestly I have so many ideas for this story that I could've going for ever but thought I would end it here. pleas comment, and vote love you guys lots bye :) Rewritten. 

Chuck|| A maze runner fan fiction||Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum