My Fate in the Slicers hands

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Chuck pov

I am starting my work today, yesterday Minho told me he had something to shoe me and today he woke me up really early in the morning, I just saw a creepy monster called a grevier in the maze. That si the reason no one but the runners can go out there. I currently eating breakfast or more  because I am terrified about going to my job today.

"Not hungry Chuckie, hey listen I know your nervous, so if you feel sick at all or get cut or anything like that, come to the medjacks hut and I will be there too with you I promise" Newt said patting my back.

"Okay but I don't like blood and I feel mean killing the animals" I said.

"Don't worry about it, is gross but you seem to like it" Newt said looked down at my bacon.

"Oh yay" I said.

So there I went all through the day working in the slaughter house and let me tell you it was awful, everything was going fine until I heard a pig squeal and accidentally cut my arm open, well that maybe a bit dramatic, but I was bleeding so I ran to the medjacks hut.

" Chuck!" I heard Newt yell running after me.

When I got to the hut, I heard screaming and looked at the right bed to see Jeff stitching up a builder's arm up. Jeff finishes up his arm, he comes over to me looking at my arm. The door opening and closing tells me that Newt came in.

"Come on over here" Jeff says guiding me over to a bed and getting out a needle, string and what looks like a jar of slime.

"What did you get?" I asked that boy on the other side of the room.

"Disinfectant and my arm is is switched up" He said getting up and leaving.

Looking at the stuff Jeff has out for me Consider yourself lucky" I yelled out at him.

"Okay now this going to hurt please try to stay still" Jeff said.

( two minutes later)

"Chuck hold still or I am going to ask the Slicers to amputate your arm" Jeff yelled obviously getting really annoyed.

After that very painful experience, it was finally over. I then went to my room to go to sleep. Great now I literally have my fate in the Slicers hands and Medjacks hut. 

Authors note:

Hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry it took so long to update I have been busy with my work. Plz comment and vote love you guys a lot :) Rewritten

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