" Well, I never did figure you for a doormat (Y/n). " Maggie said smugly.

"(Y/n) come on let's just leave her." Lena tried to pull her away from the woman it didn't work.

"I warned you what would happen if you tried to come between Alex and me again, I told you I wouldn't be nice."

Maggie laughed. "Is that my warning?"

" No. " Giving no warning (Y/n) pulled her arm backward and launched it forward sending it storming into her face, which really did send her crashing over and into a table across the bar. "That was."

Lena gasped. "Oh God (Y/n) we gotta get out of here or your Dad is going to have to bail us out of jail."

The chef looked over at where Maggie lay knocked out, a crowd gathering around her. "It was worth it, no one tries to take my Alex away from me and I have warned her many times before, she just didn't listen to me."

"Yeah, yeah now come on." In a scene more reminiscent to their younger more immature years Lena and (Y/n) fled the bar, knowing that she'd just assaulted a cop, her father was going to absolutely kill her, but who was going to prosecute Superwoman? No, she was the good guy here, the hero fighting so her oddly acting girlfriend wouldn't be taken advantage of, and so she could finally show Maggie Swayer that she meant business, she wasn't just spouting out hot air, maybe she would think twice next time she decided to make a play for Alex or try to take advantage of a situation.


"Are you sure I'm allowed in here?" Lena whispered tiptoeing down the hallway of the DEO, her head moving around from side to side at the slightest little sound.

"Yes, because I invited you here." (Y/n) said firmly, if she didn't have Lena with her now she would definitely lose all composure.

"Why did they put her in the cell?" Lena asked.

"You know why Alex Danvers has super strength now it's kinda hard to keep her contained and until we find out what has happened then we need to keep her safe."

"And you need to make sure she stays away from Maggie."

"Yeah." (Y/n) saw the image before her eyes again, them kissing Maggie's smug face, her eyes screaming of a triumph she had not even fought to achieve.

"Are you sure you are okay (Y/n)?" Lena whispered.

"Nope, I am not."

"It wasn't her fault (Y/n) Alex she loves you, there has to be an explanation for this."

"There is, she doesn't even know who I am, maybe it's some kind of amnesia thing, maybe she hit her head."

Lena thought for a moment. "Can she even suffer from things like that now?"

"I don't know, I didn't think so but it's all I have right now, I need to get her back to normal and I can't let her go because she would just go back to Maggie's and Maggie would definitely take advantage of the whole situation and if they.......you know, I would explode and make Krakatoa look like child's play." (Y/n) said morbidly, the idea had been floating around in her head for a while now, and it was not helping her see the situation clearly.

Together they both arrived at the holding cell where they usually kept aliens for interrogation, it was where she and Alex had interviewed Lesla-La when she had kidnapped Kara and taken over the role of Supergirl and done it very badly.

The sight of Alex sat alone in the cell made (Y/n)'s heart bleed, Kara moved toward them when she saw them enter.

"How is she?" (Y/n) asked with concern.

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