He popped over to hadiyah to run game and give her his number. And her ass jiggled right right along with it. Ole wide ass !

But i have to get to celine before her dad does.

I called down to homeroom to pull her after lunch and they did so. She walked her lil ass in here Books in hand, smile in her face and her diamond earrings matching her diamond ap watch. This lil thing is too much gucci slacks and gucci blouse. Tory gucci jelly flats and a gucci silk headband.

Me: SIt down chile

C: What's wrong uncle tony?

Me: We got a problem

C: I don't understand

OHHHHH, i remember when we caught rasul at one of them clubs when they first moved to the block and najeem was questioning rasul he acted just like this. Thats a damn shame, She is the one closest to him.

Me: Don't play with me girl because your father is already on his way up here. He doesn't know anything about why your here and this can go either one or two ways . You can tell him or i can tell him.

C: I didn't mean to say those words, i was just upset and had an outburst.

Me: an Outburst?

C: Because i was upset . I promise, i've been dealing with a bit much during this whole puberty thing and i'm just reacting in a way that isn't normal to me and for that i apologize uncle tony i really do.

I had to check my pockets i swore this lil girl robbed me. It was too much , she's as slick as rasul too. The girl got it. As a principal i wouldn't know that he is conning me and i think thats why shes saying all this with these expressions because she knows that too. I personally know she full of shit. She lying thru her teeth. She told Sister hunter that same line a year ago. Before she supposedly even went thru puberty

ME: Try again

C: Huh ?

Me: You can hear me celine. This school is named after your father for honorary reasons so why are you telling people your gonna assault them and that this your damn kingdom.

BEcause do i answer to you ?

C: No

Me: Oh okay, now get it together mamas because your on thin and i do mean very thin ice.

She look like she wanted to start crying .

C: Okay, i apologize again. This really isn't me.

Me: I know that. Now tell me what's the next 7th grade trip ?

C: Oh we are going to the great blacks in wax museum.

Me: Oh well you aren't going, you are to serve an inhouse suspension with me.

C: But uncle ...

Me: I don't want to hear it, i know you and i know you have all your marbles and good damn sense so i'm not gonna reward you for your bad behavior. I'm disappointed in your little ass now get out of my office before i make you serve another suspension.

She got up and exited. Before she could make it to the steps, her dad walked in looking like a good ole milf.

Denim shirt, denim patch work jeans and air force ones with a valentino side bag in front of him.

SHe hugged him and he hugged her.

They both walked back to my office, she had the look of a lost child in her eyes.

N: Hey friend, you ready to go ?

Me: Um yea, sit down real fast

C: Ill be getting back to class

Me: No have your little ass a seat.

N: Whats wrong ?

Me: Celine

C: Papi, i didn't mean to. I have been having bad problems controlling my outburst .

Me: explain the outburst

C: I was curing at a teacher

N: Celine Hopewell have you lost your muthafucking mind ? I don't send you to school to act like you don't have any home training.

Me: Well, she's being doing absolutely well academically however shes just disrespectful. She told one of our subs that she would knock her smooth tf out

He put his hand on his forehead

N: So is it true ? What do you have to say for yourself ?

She sat there twirling her braid, looking all sad and dumb

N: If your father was here he'd be 2 steps off of your ass right now.

C: I wish you weren't here

She mumbled.

NAjeem turned red

N: What little girl ?! I will beat the shit down those little legs of yours . You want to repeat that ?!

N: yea, good luck finding her monkey ass ! She's still probably digging up your father's grave just to be with him.


Celine sat there crying and najeem wanted to cry.

Nobody even saw chanel approach the doorway.

Me: young lady, you have a lot of growing up to do. This world isn't a nice place. Let me start off there. What you think you know, you don't. You might want to be more respectful to your father because the life we had to live we didn't have our fathers . Not by choice . You think it's bad that your dad isn't here, imagine not being wanted by your dad. THen having to fill that void with the love from somewhere else.

Chanel: Papi what's going on ?

Me: Chanel sweety, back to class. This doesn't concern you

Chanel: But what's wrong ? Celine do you really feel that way ?

She just started crying

N: Come here chanel. Your sister is just upset and clearly didn't mean what she said. Everything is okay , i want you to get your butt back to class.

Chanel: Papi is our mom dead ?


N: No, she's not dead. I can't confirm where she is or how she is but she isn't dead. I gave her enough to take care of herself and also put her into position to be apart of your lives as a mother should however she chose another route. If you don't believe me we can surely take a trip over to cuba and find out .

CHANEL : No papi i believe you. She never loved us like you and papa did. You took care of us and celine is just dumb !

Me: I think celine is just spoiled. She doesn't live like a regular little girl should

N: You know what tony you are right, give me your wallet smart ass.

He took out the nordstroms card, the macy's card, the amex and starbucks card

He snagged the scissors off of my desk and cut the shit up. Her whole world crumbled with each piece and you could see it in her face

C: but papi, im sorry

N: Oh i'm sure you are. But your gonna prove it. TO me , your teachers and yourself ! I don't go out there and bust my ass everyday to be in the presence of a disobedient child ! I only reward good kids. You have too much reward.

Me: Okay, now that that is settle. Both of you go back to class.

N: And i will be coming to see your teachers and i'll be giving them my personal number so in the event that something like this happens again i'll hear it from the horse's mouth now carry your ass to class.

She snatched her bag and stormed off. Chanel ran after her

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