Chapter Twenty-three

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The boys kept their promise. And those two weeks were pure bliss, no stalker alpha, no text messages, and most importantly, no howling. I read and then slept without any interruptions. And Edan was enjoying it as well, and she talked about something other than Oliver. But there was an empty feeling inside me that I couldn't help feeling when the clock struck ten. He never showed up, which was okay, but you never really knew how much you enjoyed something until it stops. And once the howling stopped, I realized just how much I liked it. And I kept telling myself that it's the mate bond, but I didn't believe myself.

And when those two weeks of silence went, I found myself looking out the window more and more. And each time, I saw Eric. And each time, he stuck his tongue out and wagged his tail. And each time he did that, I laughed a little. I kept telling myself not to get close, to stay away from him, but I also said to myself that falling for him was inevitable. And it is proving to be inevitable. And it scares me, how quickly he knocked down my iron-clad walls. How quickly he makes me laugh. How I don't fight him when he brings me to his office. And I think he feels the same.

He tries to make me feel as comfortable as possible when he kidnaps me from my home. And I noticed how he watches me when I read; it's distracting his gaze. And now, I can't focus, I can't think during my classes, my thoughts got occupied with him. And luckily, my grades haven't slipped because of it but still. I can see why he wants me to be in his office while he's working.

But he still hasn't knocked down my walls. I will always have a dark side that doesn't show itself. A part that will never let me get too close to someone. And I don't think even he can get rid of that. But I know he will try, he's stubborn like that. And I know that in time, he will be able to knock down every single wall that I try to put up. Because if he was able to gain my trust, I know that he'll be able to win my heart.

Everytime that I make him separate himself from me, he succeeded. And everytime the clock strikes ten, he's there. So much so that I believe that if I asked him too, he'll stop bothering me. And Edan, no matter how hard she tries, she'll fall for Oliver. And he'll be waiting for her with open arms. And just like Oliver, Eric will b waiting for me with open arms. But I know that it'll be a little longer. Edan doesn't have walls like I do, she just finds him annoying and barbaric. Eric has to deal with me.

The girl whose parents were murdered. The girl that has so many walls surrounding her that she lost count. And I feel sorry for him because his wolf won't allow him to give up. So he'll have to continue to dig and take his time. Because even if I do fall for him, that doesn't mean that I'll be with him. And so, I'll continue to cry in the shower, where no one can tell, until the cows come in. And the cows won't be coming for a very long time.

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