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The streets of Paris were once again covered in a dense fog that reminded Lizzie of the smoke in the taverns she used to play. The revolution was over. They had won. France was now on it's way to moving away from the monarchy and towards focusing on its citizens. Lizzie stood over the man who had taken her away from the one she loved. His blood was painting the street red along with countless other bodies.

She slid the ring that had always sat so heavily on her finger off. Bending down, Lizzie placed the ring into Raoul's coat pocket. It would either get stolen or buried with him. "I hope that you find peace and a love that is meant truly for you. I know we never saw eye to eye but I never would wish such a fate onto anyone." Although she was not a practicing person of faith she moved her hands over his body in the sign of the cross.

Enjolras helped her stand. When the two locked eyes they immediately wrapped their arms around one another. Despite everything, there were large grins on both of their faces. They had won. France was now free which meant they could truly be together. Sure they had a long road ahead of them but their friends were alive and well. They succeeded in helping their fellow frenchmen. They were free to be. They were free to love.

After the battle, they helped with the rebuilding process. Everyone was where they were meant to be, doing what they wanted to do all along. Richelieu and Giroux were now over the police force. They taught the new recruits and those who had survived how to serve justice but with not so much force.

Bahorel remained at the fan shop. Lizzie would visit often. When there were special occasions, he would always have a custom fan ready just for her thanks to his friend Feuilly, who owned the shop and made the fans.

Joly became a doctor, serving the city of Paris. He did all he could to help mend those who had suffered injuries from the fighting. Lesgles was usually by his side, helping when he could. When Joly got his own office, Lesgles was the one who was there helping in all the ways he could. Lesgles' luck wasn't the best and was often Joly's most frequent patient but he seemed to manage the tasks that Joly gave him with ease.

Jehan's flower stand grew into a flower shop. He continued to write poetry, often sending it with a bouquet that had been ordered. When someone didn't require a card, his bouquets still spoke in the most elegant poetry, saying exactly what the customer wanted but in the language of flowers. Enjolras was his most frequent customer, surprisingly enough, getting a bouquet of different ways to say I love you to Lizzie.

Combeferre and Courfeyrac actually both went on to teach. Combeferre taught literature and philosophy while Courfeyrac taught law. They saw Gavroche run through the halls despite not having him in their classes, yet. They were both glad that the boy had decided to go to school. They helped him catch up with the others and even Lizzie helped out, after all she was the one who taught him what little he knew how to read.

Marius had moved out of his aunt's home and into an apartment that was a little closer to the city. Eponine lived with him and they were soon engaged. Lizzie couldn't have pictured a better addition to the family. Since Monsieur Pontmercy still didn't claim his grandchildren, Marius worked at Enjolras' law office. Lizzie had once more been disowned for not going through a proper mourning period before being seen around the city at Enjolras' side. The Pontmercy children were honestly far better off now that they were out from their grandfather's care.

Grantaire still frequented the Musain. With Lizzie back where she belonged and all seemed right in the world, he was no longer seen in a drunken stupor in the square. In fact, when he was in the square he had a stall where he would draw portraits and sell some of his other works that he would work on throughout the week. He would also entertain the children and those who sat for their portraits with tales of Apollo and Athena. Sometimes they would tell him that that isn't how things went with the stories from Greece. He would just smile and say that it might not have happened in Greece but it certainly happened in the streets of Paris.

The characters of Apollo and Athena in Grantaire's stories were none other than Alexandre Enjolras and Lissette Pontmercy. After things settled the two started working to help those who still needed it. Of course they never thought that once they won the revolution that France would become perfect. There was still lots to be done and they helped in anyway they could. Lizzie also worked at Enjolras' law office. She didn't take the title of secretary, she much preferred the title of legal aide.

It was a clear night. The air was beginning to warm up as spring was turning into summer. The only light came from the stars and the faint glow from their living room behind them. On the small balcony of the two bedroom apartment sat Enjolras and Lizzie. She was curled up into his side with his arm around her shoulders. Her left hand was in his as he absentmindedly played with the rings on her finger. Lizzie was no longer a Pontmercy, she was now an Enjolras and had been for a few years now. They were enjoying the peace and quiet, just looking out over the city they loved so much.

Enjolras brought her hand up to his lips, placing a kiss to her rings. "Have I ever told you how incredibly lucky you make me feel?" He asked, looking over at his wife with all of the love he held for her in his eyes.

Lizzie giggled as rested her head against his shoulder, looking up at him. "Not today at least." She grinned. This was something he often did when they were alone.

"You make me feel like the luckiest man in the world. Those months without you were long and felt like a complete life time had passed before I held you in my arms again. You never stopped fighting yet I had done nothing. I knew how to help those I knew nothing about and yet didn't know how to help myself, how to help you. Then here you are, by my side, as my wife nonetheless. I am so incredibly lucky to be loved by you." He placed a kiss to her forehead this time, a faint smile on his lips as he pulled back.

She was never ready for what he was going to say next. It was always the same premise but never the same wording. His words always made her blush though and always caused her heart to swell with even more love. "I love you, Monsieur Enjolras." She said with a grin.

"And I love you, Madame Enjolras." He replied back with an equally wide grin. He then leaned forward and captured her lips with his own, pulling her into a long, slow kiss. It wasn't heated but it was certainly passionate, showing each other how much they loved each other through the action.

They returned to their original position to just continue soaking in the peace of the night. They still remembered when nighttime meant planning a revolution, meant fighting for what was right. To have found love along the way was just an added bonus. It made moments like this mean that much more.

AN: And thus concludes Until the Earth is Free

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AN: And thus concludes Until the Earth is Free. I know I promised one more chapter before the epilogue but this just felt right. I also leave it a bit open too so you can make Lizzie and Enjolras' life what you want. Is that second room in their apartment for their own child who is sleeping through their parents sweet moment? Is it for Gavroche who they've adopted? Or is it for any of the children a part of Gavroche's little gang that could never go back home after they made France better? Or is it just a guest room because Enjolras' law office is doing so well? 

I also just would like to thank everyone who has read, voted, and commented on this story. It really means the world and I hope you like this final chapter! Keep following me for more stories because I've got PLENTY more in the works including another Enjolras one that's a soulmate au that I'm pretty excited to dive into. 

Much love to you all and thanks again!!

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