Chapter 6

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AN: Moving right along with updating :) Although conicidentally enough I am posting on the scheduled date for this story I am planning on to continue writing and updating until it's time for me to go to bed. I hope you enjoy this next chapter and as always let me know what you think. (ps Wattpad is acting weird with images at the moment so I will possibly come back to put in the images I usually use for separators and added fun into the story if not enjoy this little design :) )


Since that day Enjolras and Lizzie spent practically every waking moment together. It was like the two were stuck together like glue and nothing could tear them apart, especially their friends but they didn't exactly want to, the two were so happy, happier than they had ever seen and they didn't want to ruin that.

Les amis weren't the only ones happy. Monsieur Pontmercy was over the moon much to the amusement of the group. Lizzie had been going to more higher society gatherings and had been reclaiming the Pontmercy name as he had hoped. What he didn't know was that Enjolras and Lizzie only went to the ones Enjolras' aunt and uncle forced him to go to, neither of them ever went freely.

The plans for the revolution were coming along. They were studying all they could about government and the different forms as well as talking with other student groups across France. They studied the American Revolution and analyzed Napoleon's reign. They also poured over exactly how a Republic would work and how it would be so much better for the people of France than the monarchy system they had now. It was great for those in the middle and upper classes but further down the class ladder the worse it got. This was something they wanted to change more than anything.

Things weren't all les amis and revolution planning, however. Despite her grandfather being happy that she was moving up in society at Enjolras' side he continued to push Raoul at her. It wasn't as frequent as he had been doing when he found out that she had dismissed Jacques but he was still doing so.

Everytime he held a ball, he invited Raoul. Luckily Lizzie had Enjolras and Marius at her side. Long before Raoul could get to her, either one of them would step in and take the next dance. When Lizzie was tired of running around trying to avoid him, Lizzie would let whomever she was dancing with know. If she was dancing with Marius he would escort her to bed. If she was dancing with Enjolras he would escort her to Marius before telling her goodnight so Marius could walk her to her room.

This of course did not go over well with Raoul. He thought himself better than Enjolras for Lizzie. He hated seeing her in the streets with him, wrapped around his arm, laughing as they talked. That should be him. Lizzie should be wrapped around his arm, enthralled by the conversation they were having. Lizzie could be far better in society and loved by those who mattered if she was with him. To Raoul, Lizzie hadn't reached her full potential and he was the one who could get her there. He just had to remove her from Enjolras' side and he knew just how to do it.

For a few weeks, he followed Enjolras and Lizzie, learning their routine. He was curious as to why they always wound up at the Cafe Musain, staying for hours at a time and not coming out drunk. There were a few times when Lizzie would come out with a drunk brunette though. They would always go to the same apartment building but Lizzie would always leave a few minutes later. Was Enjolras not who he said he was? Or did he not mind that Lizzie seemed to be whoring herself out? This was the straw that broke the camel's back for Raoul. If Enjolras allowed Lizzie to be a whore, to be like he was sure she was before Monsieur Pontmercy took her in, he could certainly treat her far better and get her to be the perfect socialite.

The next day Raoul followed Marius and Lizzie to the Cafe Musain. This time, he went in and noticed that they met up with a larger group of students. Lizzie and Enjolras greeted one another with a rather intimate hug. When they pulled back, Lizzie placed a kiss to his cheek causing Enjolras to smile down at her before returning the kiss, placing it on her forehead. The two stayed tucked into each other as they talked with the group.

Drinks were poured and food was passed as they shared the small feast. After most of the food had been devoured conversation picked back up but from the looks on their faces, Raoul knew this topic was more serious than what they were talking about before. He knew that people were not happy with the current state of France, so much so there were rumors of revolution so when he heard the word revolution fall from Enjolras' lips he pounced.

Always at the ready like his father, he brought his police whistle out of his pocket and blew. He then marched to where les amis was gathered. Notebooks closed or pages were flipped, if anything people would think that the students were studying for their classes. "Under the power invested in me by his majesty, Alexandre Enjolras you are under arrest for suspicion of conspiring a revolution against the king." Raoul pulled Enjolras away from Lizzie and put his hands in hand cuffs.

Lizzie turned to face Raoul, eyes sparking with rage. "What are you doing Raoul? They're studying for a test. They were talking about the American Revolution! They aren't planning a revolution against the king."

"Watch your pretty mouth, Lissette or I'll have to take you away too and I would rather not do that under that pretense." Raoul replied.

Lizzie began to say vive la revolution but before a word could escape her mouth, it was covered by Marius' hand. "Hush Lizzie, you're no good to Enjolras if you too are behind bars."

"Lizzie, take my place. I'll get the notes once I'm freed. You know this subject better than anyone at that table." Enjolras said as he was whisked away by Raoul.

Lizzie pushed Marius' hand away from her mouth. "Don't you fret, I'll come for you as soon as I can." She promised just before Raoul and Enjolras exited.

When the chaos calmed les amis turned to face each other. Angry tears began to pool in Lizzie's eyes. She furiously wiped at them since all eyes were on her for her reaction. All of the boys were acting strong for her as their protective instincts kicked in. The man they deemed to be her sole protector was just taken despite her cousin standing at her side, hand at the ready to hold hers.

Lizzie took a deep breath as she looked at each and everyone of les amis' faces. When her eyes found Courfeyrac and Combeferre she finally spoke. "While he trusts all of les amis with this plan it is you two who know the intimacies even better than I. You two after all were there when this plan began to form. Will you two help me continue working on this plan while we work on another?" She asked.

"Of course, Lizzie." Combeferre answered.

"What do you mean by other plan, mon cherie?" Courfeyrac asked.

"The plan in which we get Enjolras out of jail."  

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