XX: Minutes to Midnight

Start from the beginning

Adrian: Cops?

Gemma: Yes.

Adrian: Dad says go cross country as best you can. We'll meet you halfway.

[End Text Transaction]

Personal Communication (Declassified 01/22/2200): From Admiral Nobuyuki Ito: To Vice President Yong An-Hong: 08/02/2175: Translated by Alexandra Yuan

Vice President Yong An-Hong,

I took your advice at the head of your message with uncertainty. I am glad now that I did so. You have taken an immense risk in trusting me with this information. Naturally, it is against my personal honor to betray your trust, particularly when the stakes that you face are so high. I do not doubt for an instant that if you are discovered you will be integrated into an Ambience Mainframe. The same can be said for me.

If what you say is true, the fate of the Hegemony may very well be at stake. I cannot imagine why Shen Wei-Fun would want war with the Grushan, but it appears that he is maneuvering Terran politics in order to bring it about. Military alliance negotiations with the Zaha-Katchem seem to strengthen that impression; I have seen what the black ship has done to the Terran fleet, and I cannot imagine that the Grushan and Novan fleets will fare much better against it. This does not detract from my earlier assessment that such a war would be ill-advised.

Although you tell an incredible story, I trust your words in this matter. Furthermore, if the President is truly dead, then by right, you are the true Commander in Chief of the Terran Hegemony, and I will remain loyal to you as such. The men and women under my command will do the same.

Nobuyuki Ito, Admiral of the Terran 6th Task Force

Official Transcript: HNN News Update: 08/03/2175

LERMAN: From HNN News in Tokyo, I'm Carrie Lerman with an HNN breaking news alert. We have just received word from sources in Beijing that there has been an attempt on the life of Terran Vice President Yong An-Hong. His motorcade was ambushed by unknown forces on the streets of Beijing. A roadside bomb went off as his motorcade was traveling past Tiananmen Square. The Vice President has been rushed to a secure location near the capital by Hegemony Secret Service personnel. You are seeing raw footage from the scene of the attack. No civilians have been reported injured, and we are being told by Hegemony sources that the Vice President has not been harmed and his security personnel are in control of the situation. Once again, the Vice President is safe, and we're being told that no one has been hurt in the attack. We'll have more news as it becomes available.

Visitation Log: Kim Jong Ill National Prison: Inchon, Korea

Visitor: Yong An-Hong

Date: 08/03/2175

Requested Prisoner: 92025 Alexandra Troy

Clearance: 351489GVP

Visitation Request Forwarded to Terran Internal Intelligence Commission

Official Transcript: Security Camera Footage: Kim Jong Ill National Prison Visitation Area 2: 08/03/2175: Translated by Zhou Hanshen-Yao

[Begin Playback at 0945 Local Time]

[Yong An-Hong sits on one side of a clear glass partition. Holes have been drilled in the glass for the visitor to speak with prisoners inside. On the other side, Alexandra Troy is led to the glass partition. Guards handcuff her to the desk in front of the glass. Yong dismisses them]

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