About two hours passed and still he isn't back. I began playing with my fingers to keep me distracted but it wasn't helping. My eyes were glued to the door hoping he'll just walk in. This time Im not eager to see the whole castle anymore, this time I'm missing his presence, his face, his strong manly scent although I can still perceive it in the chamber.

Why am I feeling this way?

I wanted him to walk through that door awestruck by my new look. I patiently sat for the maids to finish my makeup just for him to see. Suddenly I realized what I was thinking. I quickly closed my eyes in frustration. Oh Allah what sort of feeling is this? Why this strong emotions for him? Someone I first hated? Why this thoughts about him? Tears started falling from my eyes.

Why is my heart betraying me? Oh Allah! I feel like am betraying my Asir. How can I ever feel like this for a man who singled handedly led Asir to its doomed ?

I heard footsteps outside the chamber. Oh no! My make up! I hurriedly pat my face lightly with my Palm not wanting to ruin whatever nice products the maids have neatly applied on my face.

I composed myself and glanced at the time, it reads 01:45 pm. I can tell time too cause I took mathematics, art and science classes when I was in Asir.

The door opened and came in two guards. OnuhIduh must have sent them to get something for him from his chamber. I became disappointed and silently sighed. I stood up and slowly moved over to the changingroom to remove the heavy gown and get ready for bath.

I suddenly felt strong hands wrapped around my waist. I stilled. And recognize the famous scent. I closed my eyes and inhaled feeling all my worries vanish slowly. The anger and frustration i felt before turned into joy and pleasure I turned around and hugged him so tightly as if he was going back without returning. After a few minutes of deep stillness, I realize what was happening.

No no I can't let him touch me. I break the hug and moved aside. I can't let him use me as he please, he'll use and dump me, he's known to be a chronic womanizer, rumors spread far and wide about his immorality and how he have hundreds of women in his harem but never found any of them worthy of becoming his Queen. Argh That imbecile. It's none of my business anyways, all I know is I wont fall a victim, my reputation too is known far and wide the kingdoms as a pure and highly morally kept woman. We are two very different people.

"Remember I told you I can't be that close to you". I Said in a deadly silent tone. His eyes dropped, he opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. I noticed the sadness in his eyes, but why? Was he still acting up? I cannot tell. His face is unreadable. He quitely turned back going towards the washroom. My heart screamed for him to come back. But I can't stoop so low! He Must prove his worth. But this is too much for me! I closed my eyes searching for peace within my soul.

"You look so beautiful, MashaAllah. He murmured. I froze not knowing what to do or say,should I open my eyes? Should I tell him thank you? Does that sound too desperate? Is he pulling one of his tricks on me? I slowly opened my eyes, I walked a bit closer to him and smiled. I began walking over to the changing room when he gripped my wrist. His touch send waves into my body. I trembled but cautious of my balance, I wouldn't want to embarrass myself cause am just too clumsy to be regarded as a perfect lady. My mother often complain that I'm being influenced by my brothers.

"Please wait" OnuhIduh said still holding my wrist. I twisted my hand and his grip slip off.

"Yes? I said irritated. Each time I stare at him, I see the chronic womanizer attribute in him.

"What about the tour? He grinned . Tour.. Tour... Oh yeah! My perfect opportunity to leave his chamber and master my escape route. I have no choice but to accept this .

OnuIdu(The Lion King):Period of the BritishWhere stories live. Discover now