Rockstar -1

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I was sitting nervously before the launch of the song and was shaking my legs so much, it was a really big day for me. No, no it's not my song that's going to be launched I'm here for taking my first ever interview and I'm super nervous.

Actually, it's not a big I'm not gonna interview a big Thai singer like P'Peck or someone, it's a new rookie, up and coming singer but I really want to give my best to this interview after all my job depends on it. I'm an intern and we all are assigned one such new talent's interview and whosoever does the best and gets more hits on their article will get the job and yes I desperately want to work for that magazine it's my dream.

I stood up and started pacing around waiting for that new singer to come and meet me but I think it's gonna take some time since he's spending some time with fans rather the 100 or so people who came to support him. 

I walked out of the room to get some fresh air and went through my notes about him yep I've done some research about him but not too much though because we were told who we're supposed to interview just before left and mine is "KRIST PERAWAT", he seems quite talented and he's quite young too just 21, he's one year older than me then, I didn't see where I was going and crashed into someone and we about to fell down when that someone held me and man was I happy, I mean that guy was super good looking.

I walked out of the room to get some fresh air and went through my notes about him yep I've done some research about him but not too much though because we were told who we're supposed to interview just before left and mine is "KRIST PERAWAT", he ...

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"Are you okay?" He asked as we stood straight but I kept looking at him.

"Umm... Yeah sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" I replied smiling a bit.

"It's ok happens sometimes" he said and smiled, oh my god, no I can't get distracted with this perfect and honest smile of his.

"You seem drink this" he said passing me his drink.

"Thank you so much" I replied, leave politeness, I'm not gonna refuse a drink from him.

"Are you here for the auditions?" He asked as we settled down on a bench in the park.

"Haha I wish I was that talented" I replied and we laughed a little then I added "I'm here for an interview of this newbie singer it's no big deal but it's my first interview so I was nervous about that"

"Yeah I guess it's no big deal" he replied smiling and then I asked him why was he here.

"Oh I'm that new singer I guess" he replied and I wanted to dig a hole right now.

Who the hell is so stupid to not look at the pictures of the person who they are supposed to interview? Only me I guess.

"Oh I'm sorry P', I didn't mean it like that," I said, just great I already managed to make him feel bad.

"No, no it's ok I understand" he replied still with a smile on his face, how is he so nice? Ugh...People will eat him alive in this entertainment world.

"So should we start?" He said and I started asking questions and I was surprised with his answers I didn't expect much from him but he's really a gifted speaker and singer I don't why I have this feeling he'll hit it big and I'm really hoping for his success.

Finally, the interview ended and we sort of got acquainted and I couldn't muster the courage to ask for his number or line id, I mean I don't want him to see me as a weirdo or something and went our ways but today one more person got added to his fans list now.

And I wrote the best article with his interview possible I gave it my all like my life depended I mean I did want the job but I don't know, I want him to get success too.

**The New Emerging Star of Thai Music Industry finally launched his first Song that'll make you Get Addicted To his Voice and him**

And man we hit big with this, And we as in we both, my article and Krist's song, My article went viral because people said it seemed honest and Krist's song went viral because hello the guy is crazy talented and good looking and humble and nice in addition to everything, the perfect package.

After that, we both started getting higher and higher in our careers and somehow with each level we grew, I was the one send to interview him and man I had no complaints about it.

Now we had build up this sort of work relationship, I mean he knew me, he knew my name, job and company and stuff and he  used to tease me whenever we met and I basically knew only everything about him since he came into existence well because I had to research about him a lot I mean he's the trending thing in Thailand, it's not like I stalk him online all the time or anything ok? And it wasn't like I was madly in love with him.


Years went by quickly and I became 23 and a senior editor and interviewer for our magazine and our krist became a rock star, yeah rockstar and I don't think there's anyone who doesn't know him now, and not only in Thailand, he's famous in other Asian countries too and parts of western countries too, he really hit big and he deserves this to be honest, but sometimes I regret not asking for his number on the first day we met it's ok though, it's not like he would have ended up with a normal person like me, stupid me and my delusions sometimes and it's already been so long since he had time for an interview with me.

Years went by quickly and I became 23 and a senior editor and interviewer for our magazine and our krist became a rock star, yeah rockstar and I don't think there's anyone who doesn't know him now, and not only in Thailand, he's famous in other As...

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"Oh my god...Finally... I can't believe this" I screamed as I looked at the message from Krist's manager, he agreed to an interview with me.


**Author's Note**

Hey there you guys... How was it? It was just part one I'll post the second part soon too😚 I really wanted to read about him a being a rockstar in some fic but there wasn't any so I wrote one instead 😂I hope it didn't disappoint you😅

Do vote and comment, what you guys liked and what you didn't.

Thanks for reading 😘

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