43: My Little Kitten

Start from the beginning

"Don't apologise Minie! You've done nothing wrong. You haven't been little for a while, so I knew it was bound to happen soon. I actually really missed little Jiminie. How little do you feel, sweetheart?" He enquires, now gaining my attention at the soft, kind way he's speaking to me.

I thought he'd be mad, but Daddy isn't!

I think about his question very carefully.

I eventually hold four fingers up once I decide how little I am, showing him how old I am with them.

"Wow! Four!? You're feeling very little aren't you, baby?" He pulls me closer, as I start sucking my thumb in my mouth, wanting my dummy to suck on.

I nod adamantly, making sucky noises as I suck on my thumb.

The sound of high pitched crying suddenly comes from the room opposite ours, followed by another little voice. The both of the twins now crying in sync.

The loud noises make me confused and before I know it I feel tears tricking down my face.

"Shhhhhh Jiminie! It's okay, don't cry baby, everything's okay!"

I continue to cry. Yoongi's words not helping me.

Yoongi's POV:

Oh no.

Not only are the twins crying, but now Jimin is too.

I have no choice but to pick Jimin up, taking him with me, as I walk across the hall to tend to our babies.

As soon as I spot one of Jimin's pacifiers I hand it over to him, inserting it into his mouth. Now he has his dummy he's calmed down and sucking on it silently.

I place him down into the baby pink armchair in the corner of the room, handing him Mr Maney, as I know he needs his favourite druggie to calm him down, before making my way over to the twins' cot.
They have to sleep together, else they refuse to sleep and scream and scream until they're together again.

It makes sense, they are twins after all.

By the horrific smell in the room, I know that the babies nappies need changing.

I do the said task, before placing them both back down in their cot.

It's about their feeding time, normally Jimin would feed them naturally, but if course he's not able to do that right now.

So I quickly run out of the room and get a bottle out of the fridge that Jimin made this morning in case we needed it, for whatever reason it may be that Jimin can't feed the twins himself.

I warm the milk bottle up under some warm water, making it the perfect temperature that I know it needs to be, before running back to the babies room, glad to find that everything is still in order and Jimin is now laying fast asleep of the armchair, sucking his pink dummy whilst cuddling Me Maney.

There's enough milk in the bottle to feed the both of the twins, so I feed one at a time, giving them the amount they're meant to have before swapping babies and giving the rest of the milk to the other of the twins.

They both fall asleep, their bellies now full, they sleep close together, almost cuddling in their cot.

They're truly the most delicate and stunning angels I've ever seen.

They look just like Jimin. Especially Hyuna with her pink ears and tiny pink tail - just like Jimin.

I don't know how long I admire them for, it could be for hours. I stand watching them peacefully sleep.

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