|Before the Beginning|

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Some of the following storylines are not canon, but they are for the sake of this story!

Thanks so much for sticking with me, you guys! It's been a long, hard road, but I'm grateful for the milestones and I'm grateful to have finished my second book on Wattpad. If you're interested in reading more of my stuff, please check out the rest of my fanfics! I'm in the middle of developing a spiritual sequel to my RPF one shot series "Professional" with Jenna Coleman and Peter Capaldi at the moment, and that should be up in a few weeks, so keep an eye out for new content!

To those of you who have been here with me since the beginning, you fucking rock! And for those of you who are newer, bless you for taking the time to read and vote and comment on my story. I remember thinking no one would read this book, that I was only writing it for myself, but I'm soooo glad y'all proved me wrong. You are all amazing, and I can't wait to see how you react to this final installment!!

Look out for the sequel in a few months!!!



There's no such thing as fate. The stars don't align and there is no magic, no fairy dust, no shooting stars to grant our wishes. Most of the time, there is just coincidence, life happening at random intervals that leave us always wondering if there could be more, something formulaic. Occasionally, however, there is science—science that disguises itself in the form of miracles.

But, of course, that's not how Madame Hame saw it at all.

It would take them decades to learn how the fire started—who started it—and it would take them even longer, if ever, to fully understand why it started in the first place. But it should be known that as Madame Hame lie trapped beneath the crushing weight of a fallen pillar, one of her lungs collapsed and the other quickly filling with toxic fumes and smoke, she couldn't think of anything else but the screaming baby lying not even ten feet away.

Not many understood what it meant to give your life for a cause. Not many had the ability to comprehend the finality of that sacrifice or the importance of such a thing, and those that did were rarely brave enough to face their demise without the urge to flee. But wanting to run doesn't make you a coward—she'd learned long ago that the most courageous man in the universe had spent more than half of his life running away in a blue box.

Hame herself, now looking death in its ghoulish eye, fully understood sacrifice, certainly better than the Doctor could ever have taught her. Her mind was starting to slip, playing tricks on her, making her see things that weren't there. A figure emerged from the smoke, and she would've laughed if she wasn't so weak.

"I've come for the child," Caelius said, his grave tone raised over the sound of the crackling of the flames and the wailing little girl.

"She will die here, with me," Hame coughed wetly, blood dribbling out of her mouth and into the soft fur on her face. "We will both rest soon."

The Fish Person was again wearing his disguise, however he seemed a great deal more uncomfortable in it now than he usually did. "I cannot be here for long—the... environment is too hostile for me."

Hame squinted through watery, smoke-hazed eyes until her vision focused for a moment. "Caelius?" She whispered in awe and amazement, a spark of hope igniting within her as she realized that he had actually come to save the baby. She watched him pick his way through the rubble in order to get to her, his eyes flitting back and forth between the fallen nurse and the child, conflicted.

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