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OOP! Another update, not even a day after the last update. I'm just that good I guess, lol.

This chapter and the last chapter were actually supposed to be put together to form one long update, but that obviously didn't happen. I really, really wanted to post this right now. My excitement is unbearable, and I can't wait for you guys to read the next few updates!!! *squeals*


As soon as she woke, Clara found the bed empty, her searching hands finding nothing but wrinkled, cooling sheets. She needed him--to hold her, to tell her she was fine, and that they were both fine and everything would be okay. And she needed to tell him, she needed to do it now.

"Doctor?" She whispered, hoping to God he hadn't slunk off, regretful after they'd finally slept together. "Doc--"

"Over here," he called to her somewhere in the dark. And when she saw him, she nearly cried with relief; he was standing in front of her false window, staring out at what looked like a view of Paris this time instead of her usual Dubai setting.

"Sorry. I couldn't sleep, and I didn't want to wake you," he sounded like he was apologizing, but Clara almost wished he had woken her. Maybe then she wouldn't feel so burdened by what she now knew.

Clara could already feel the effects of her neural block as it tried to take its hold on her mind once more, the vise grip around her memories almost stronger than her impervious will to keep them. It was making her head ache, looping the events to ensure they weren't counterfeit, and her dreams of Caelius beginning to feel less and less real by the second. A panic welled up inside her at the thought of forgetting again before she had the chance to tell the Doctor.

When he saw her getting out of the bed, the Doctor's smiled faded. "It's still dark out, so just, uh, ignore me. You can go back to sleep, if you'd like."

"N-no, I need to tell you something, actually," Clara intoned as soon as she'd fastened the ties on her robe with shaking hands. The Doctor readily opened his arms for her when she came to him and frowned when he felt her trembling fiercely against him.

"Hey, you alright?" He lowered his voice a fraction when he saw her eyes watering as she shook her head 'no'. She looked positively spooked. "Clara, what is it?"

"Look, there isn't much time, but I'll do my best to explain it."

A shock of fear went through the Time Lord and he tightened his grip on her. "Explain what? What are you talking about?"

"You've got to promise you won't ask any questions until I'm finished," she insisted, her fingers digging into his flesh where she was gripping his shoulders. "Promise, now. You won't interrupt me."

"Right, okay. Fine." He blinked, confused, but nodded all the same. "I won't interrupt you until you've finished. I promise."

A deep breath filled Clara's lungs and she expelled it with a shiver. "Doctor, I know what happened to us that night on Kysterillous. I can remember."


The Doctor sat in the console room on Clara's love seat, a ponderous look in his eye as he glared at nothing in particular. He'd been fuming like that for the past fifteen minutes ever since Clara told him what happened in her dream and who had been there. She'd understood his reaction well enough, but kept a soothing hand on his neck anyway, her fingers playing absently with the curls at his nape as she tried to distract herself from the Doctor's frankly frightening silence.

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