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Thanks to all of you for commenting! I love hearing what you guys think about this story. It's not easy to write, and I appreciate the feedback. Enjoy, lovelies.


Their departure from the Paternoster House took place later that morning, with brief but heartfelt goodbyes exchanged as the group of five broke off into a single group of three and a single pair of two once more. It had been difficult adjusting to life in the Victorian home, especially when the Doctor and Clara had come at such a tense time for them both. Like it or not, they'd all become a bit of a mismatched family under this roof, and Clara felt that truth in every embrace and every watery gaze--especially Vastra's.

"Clara, I need to apologize to you," Vastra whispered as she pulled Clara aside while Jenny hugged a stiff and awkward Doctor. "I've found myself deeply regretful for the things I said and did that night you came when the Doctor was ill."

Clara was already shaking her head. "No, Vastra, please. I understand why you said what you did, and you don't owe me an apology."

"Oh, but I do." The Silurian's typically steady composure slipped into a small, sheepish smile. "You have proved me wrong so many times now, Clara, that one would think I'd be used to it. But, instead I continued to judge you as nothing more than the Doctor's latest pretty companion."

Clara swallowed at the admission, a little thrown by Vastra's humility. The woman was a powerhouse, ferocious as she was intimidating, and yet, her she was, finally confessing to something Clara had always known she'd been doing, but had only mentioned once.

"I thought you'd weaken him, distract him from his purpose, his reason for living as long and hard as he has: to save lives. But, I realize now that you and the child you carry are the only ones capable of making him stronger. Better." Vastra's blue eyes stared openly at Clara as she took the gobsmacked young woman's hands carefully in hers.

"Take care of him, Clara," she whispers sincerely. "He loves sand needs you, and I imagine that can be the heaviest of burdens at times. But, please, take good care of him."

"I will," she swore with a nod, swallowing thickly. "Always. After all, who else is going to be the one to make sure the old man doesn't always leave the TARDIS oven on, eh?"

Vastra laughs at the joke, squeezing Clara's hands.

"Of course! But, be sure to give him hell when he needs it," the reptilian woman winked then, smirking.

Clara grinned as the fond memory of when Vastra had first said that to her resurfaced. "Because he'll always need it."

Clara hugged her then--before she could second guess herself and before Vastra could pull away, Clara made a point to embrace the woman who'd just made the small but notable shift from guarded ally to accepting friend. And, for some reason, Clara had the vague but nagging feeling that this first time she hugged Vastra could very well be the last.


"They all think we're insane," Clara declared with breathless laugh when she and Doctor stepped into the TARDIS, the time-spaceship beginning to glow warmly at their return.

"They think you're insane for being with little-old human me, and they think I'm insane for following you."

"People thinking I'm insane is nothing new," the Doctor pointed out with a sly chuckle.

"Well, it is new for me."

The Doctor looked up from where he was punching buttons on a keyboard, considering for a moment his companion's lost expression.

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