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Wednesday, 7th of May | 6 1/2 Months Ago...

Caelius watches with fascination as the feisty female known as Clara Oswald goes limp before his eyes, a syringe emptying its contents into her bloodstream to still her. Her eyes remain open and wide with terror as she stares up at him, a stubborn refusal of hers to break the eye contact. She's bloodied her wrists with how hard she's wrestled against the steel restraints, so much so that a third restraint was added across her ribs to keep her held down on the table.

Reaching forward, Caelius uses his index finger to touch the odd beads of liquid that have started to drench the human's hairline before licking at the moisture carefully. Unsure of what to make of the salty taste, he tilts his head and moves closer to her reddened face, breathing in the musk of fear that's begun to radiate from her body.

"I have often heard of human bravery, but thought it was a myth," he tells her with a shrug, lifting his broad bare shoulders easily in a confession. "Because you live in a constant state of cowardice, I did not believe your species was capable of being brave--your life spans are too short for anything other than fear. So it's understandable, you see."

Scaled hands run over the taunt silver fabric that comprises the strange attire Clara Oswald wears, fingers splayed out just above her heart. He can feel the desperate way the organ flings itself about the minuscule cavity underneath her ribs in sheer panic, and he imagines how lovely it would be to free the still-beating organ from her chest with a simple tug of his wrist. He imagines how he would use his bare hands to pull her apart just to see what exactly was inside, all the pink and red life lying just beneath the surface.

"I did not believe you possessed it--bravery, that is--here," his finger presses painfully into her breastbone and Clara whimpers, knowing Caelius could never understand his own strength. If he pressed any harder, the bone would snap in half.

She can recall the Doctor telling her that the Fish People were primarily instinctive beings and, while incredibly articulate, they were basically functioning sociopaths. So Clara knew Caelius' touch was not sexual in nature, but something far worse--it was carnal and positively animalistic. Like a predator pawing at its prey before it sank its fangs into the victims throat.

Clara swallows dryly around the cloth they've shoved into her mouth has a gag, a bit of drool sliding down her cheek to mingle with her tears.

Caelius' razor sharp teeth gleam in the dimly lit room as he grins down, pleased. "You have proved me wrong, Miss Oswald, and I am not often wrong."

Caelius looks up from her face to the waiting hooded figures who linger patiently in the shadows a few feet away before he brings his attention back to a silently stunned Clara. The satisfied look on his face has melted away, leaving him suddenly conflicted.

"She did not wish for them to be performed, but the Priests have been rather... insistent, I'm afraid. If she desires that the insemination and gestation process be successful, the Priests remain adamant that the Ritual and Prayers must be properly executed."

Caelius watched as Clara's dumbfounded expression her clouded over her entire face, her brows knitting together. But the High Duke did not explain any further, knowing he'd already overstepped by providing the little information he did possess.

Leaning away from Clara's body, Caelius gives nearly imperceptible nod and then the hooded Priests are swarming towards her, unzipping her suit and tearing it away from her body with alarming speed until she is completely exposed before them.

Clara's muffled shouts of outrage and protest are covered even more by the sound of low chanting as the hooded creatures paint her naked torso with a glowing blue liquid that sears and burns at her flesh when it touches her. She tries to wrench away, but the medication they've given her acts as a type of paralyzing agent, only allowing her the control of her eyes.

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