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Just a quick FYI so you won't be confused! This chapter goes back to the present time for Clara and the Doctor, and takes place after they've had their argument in the TARDIS. Okay. I'll go now. Enjoy!!



He was whistling when it first started ringing. A hymn belonging to the particularly devout Order of the Ninth Sentient from the planet R-5, a gloomy tune he thought fit well with his rather melodramatic mood. Loudly and with perfect pitch, the Doctor whistled solemnly as he worked below the decks of the main console. But he went silent as soon as he noticed the ringing, the flourish of his low cadence cut off in the middle of a grand crescendo.

The TARDIS phone rang clearly now that it was no longer competing with his baritone. Removing his goggles with a frown, the Doctor left his swing underneath the console to trudge up the stairs, his curiosity eliminating some of his Clara-related angst.

There really were only so many people that could be calling--in the vastness of the universe, only a handful of individuals had been deemed worthy enough to deserve the Doctor's personal number. An honor and privilege that was misused almost all the time, no doubt, but he could hardly blame them. He couldn't say he minded much, seeing a few old faces every now and then. Reminiscing wasn't his strong suit this time around, and he'd grown to be a lot less cuddly than before, but it'd be a wedding invitation or a last visit to one of his favorite planets, and the Doctor could never turn down an adventure with an old mate.

The anxious excitement builds as he approaches the telephone, but is reigned in he remembers that he's basically grounded himself until he and Clara have gotten themselves out of their latest pickle. So he hesitates, and watches somewhat disappointed as the ringing ceases.

But just as soon as it ends, it's ringing once more, if a little bit more insistently. Swallowing, the Doctor removes his thick rubber gloves and cautiously picks up the phone to place it to his ear.

He doesn't know exactly what he expects to hear--probably something about Elvis needing his cape back, or a teenage Einstein needing a bit of assistance with another proof-- but he is thoroughly shocked all together to hear a certain young lady on the other line.

"Hello? I'm sorry, but is this the Doctor?"

"Maebh?" He snorts in confusion, removing the phone from his ear to stare at it a moment. "Last time I heard from you we were stomping through a forest in the middle of Trafalgar's square!"

All he could hear on the other end was her quick panting as if she was recovering from a long run. "And you were right about the trees, about the voices. You were right about everything, Doctor. So I thought you'd want to know. Thought maybe you could help us again, like you did the last time."

"Thought I'd want to know what? Has something happened? Maebh, how did you get this number?" Rapid fire questions flew out of his mouth so fast the Doctor worried for a moment that the little girl hadn't understood a word and he'd have to repeat himself.

"Well, I found the number in her was phone, Doctor. I'm using her phone," Maebh's squeaky voice explained, but the Doctor could barely hear her with all the commotion in the background. "It's Miss--"

But he was starting to get bored, the duration his attention span having reached its peak. "Sorry, Maebh, but I really can't hear you with all the noise. And since I've been told you lot were at a museum today, I'll wager there's plenty more to do than prank call people with your 'i-whatevers'. Maybe just give the phone back to Miss Oswald, yes?"

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