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"Back already, are you?" Missy chirped when she felt a pair of black eyes boring into the back of her skull.

She turned around to see Caelius' sulking form lingering in front of her cell, his indifferent gaze regarding her passively.

"I expected it to take a bit longer."

"On the contrary," Caelius said with a blink. "Everything has been expedited due to his decision. He agreed," The High Duke said, getting down to it immediately. Now that their alliance had fizzled out, Caelius made no attempt to spend anymore time than necessary in the presence of the deranged woman before him. He had obliged the Doctor in serving as an intermediary between the two Time Lords, but Caelius' inability to understand Missy caused him to be wary around her; he would be glad when this final meeting of theirs had concluded and he could release her (and her unpredictable nature) back into the universe.

"Well, well. That doesn't sound like the Doctor at all, does it?" Missy tried for a smile, but it felt oddly elastic on her face. "He didn't amend any of the terms? Didn't want to think it over? Maybe discuss it with his little pet before he came to a decision for himself?"

"The Doctor agreed to all of your terms and made no amendments to any of them," Caelius reiterated, pulling a small scroll from the pocket of the tailored suit he always wore while disguised as a human.

"The documented evidence, as requested. It's all there, for your viewing pleasure. He also has a copy for his own personal records, though I daresay he will not need them. He will not quickly forget this day."

Missy only blinked at the good news, surprised, before she all but snatched the scroll handed to her through the bars of the cell, her greedy fingers breaking the seal that bound the papers before she could unravel them and witness the Doctor's defeat for herself.

"He agreed to all of them?" Her eyes narrowed into slits when she saw the Doctor's signature at the bottom of the scroll.


"He's going to... he's going to send the mixed bred brat to Earth? Seriously?" She tried swallowing the bitter, metallic taste of her mouth, wondering if it was what victory tasted like.

"You're unsatisfied with the results of your labors," Caelius declared as he took a curious step towards the cell. "This is an intriguing development."

Missy crossed her arms deftly over her chest, feeling a little sick. "Well, I always knew he was a sentimental old fool, but this is a new low! I hadn't actually expected him to go through with any of this!"

"Perhaps I am misunderstanding you," Caelius said as he looked on with interest. "Destroying the Doctor's emotional stability was not what you wanted?"

"Of course it isn't," Missy's fiery response came as she reluctantly tore her gaze from the sheet of paper to look up at Caelius. "I get bored! I cause a big spill, he comes to mop it up, and we make plans to do it all over again in a decade or two! But this... Don't you understand what this means?"

When Caelius didn't respond, Missy shouted, "It means he's chosen her! Again!" The paper is suddenly crumbling into a ball as Missy closes her fist around it and then sends it hurtling across the cell. Her fury leaves her as soon as the paper hits the wall and falls to the floor, and she's left feeling incredibly hollow.

When she'd found her voice again, Missy whispered, "It isn't even real—the spell. Just a tiny bit of bottled witchcraft I bought off of Rasputin years ago and never bother to use."

Caelius straightened at the confession, his eyes widening a fraction. "Clara isn't going to die when she gives birth?"

Missy's eyes has been closed as she leaned into the cool stone wall. They opened now, incredibly tired and drained looking as she smirked.

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