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The strobing lights in the dark, but very much alive room pulsed overheard with a vengeance as all kinds of species danced and swayed to the electronica music that was practically shaking the walls with its bass. Clara, having finally gotten used to the Doctor's abrupt absence, followed a few other service cyborgs from a kind of bar area on the left side of the room to the very middle of the dark gold dance floor where they began to twirl and swing to the beat of the syncopated rhythm that was blasting from the speakers. She was feeling a bit buzzed and carefree now that she'd downed a few drinks, her mouth tasting of the sweet fruit in some alcoholic beverage or other. Her newest acquaintance, Yael 5, had suggested it to help her let loose, and she'd been grateful for the help. She had almost completely forgotten that the old Time Lord had left her behind to go on an adventure of his own.

In the thick of the crowd, there were hands and arms all over her--people and things she didn't know of and had never seen before, all gyrating and whooping and laughing as the music made them all one massive, living unit. Clara had danced with and grinded up against almost anything with a pulse, her body slick with perspiration as her arms pumped and legs twisted, her body moving expertly. And she was drunk.

Very, very drunk.

And so she hadn't been able to fight them off when they'd come for her, those huge beings with their faces hidden in shadows. There was barely a struggle. She'd managed a distressed cry, to solidly land the heel of her tall shoe in one of her attackers gut, but it had been largely ignored with barely a grunt in response. She was carried and dragged away, her tongue too loose and lazy and her brain too foggy to cause a proper scene and alert those around her of the danger.

It was a group of maybe four or five of them. Hooded figures, she remembers. Dark green robes hid the limbs of their brawny bodies and completely shrouded their faces. The assailants had parted the crowd and snatched her away without so much as an explanation, as onlookers seemed to purposely ignore the harsh sound of a screaming woman being lifted away from the dance floor. The music had been so loud... Clara remembers thinking that maybe no one could hear her over it.

The hooded men (she assumed they were male) were so strong and tall, unreasonably so, and they glided underneath the material of their robes. Like they possessed no feet at all. They did not react when she struggled or bit or yanked herself away, holding her firmly in their crushing grips, ensuring that she would wake to severe bruising the next morning.

"The human is ready to see the Master, " one spoke, a deep rumbling with the texture of gravelly rocks. It was a voice that sent chills down the young woman's spine.

"Where are we going?" She slurred stupidly when they had stopped moving, forming the tight formation of a circle around her. "You can't just kidnap me, you know! He'll kill you for this! The Doctor will kill you for this!"

And then there it was-- the most terrifying creature she'd ever seen in her life had materialized before her in the circle. Another alien, one of the Fish People. She hadn't seen a single one of them all evening, but now she recognized the distinct  golden, mermaid-like tail that began with large overlapping scales at the top of this hipbone. At least a foot and a half taller than she was, this beast balanced on his fin with ease, menacing as well as enchanting. He had matching auric scales on the sides and planes his smooth abdomen, but no belly button, and on his either side of his powerful neck were long slits that Clara assumed to be gills.

But the most terrifying aspect of the otherwise beautiful creature was the all-black eyes--there was no pupil or iris. His eyes resembled that of a sharks and were completely devoid of emotion, though there was a frightening, manic smile on his face as he regarded Clara.

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