Chapter 2

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Wakin' up to my alarm clock. I press dismissed. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. One thing I like bout this hotel, they made sho' We was str8. They had new pack of tooth brushes and all. Aftaa I got done I walked byke into the bedroom.

I tapped Jaliyah waking her up. She got up and did the same. She came byke out still lookin tide. " Good morning " She spoke. " Mawnin' sleepyhead" I said puttin my slides on as she do the same. We made sho' the room were clean befo' we checked out and left out.

" I will see you at school " She said walkin' away to her car. " You forgettin' sum'n " I said smirkin. She walked byke over to me. " And what's that?" She asked. " My kiss. You lost the bet babyehgirl." I told her as I show her the picture. She covered her mouff, laughin a Lil.

"See what happen was, I was sooo damn tired. " She said. "Nawllll, Iann trynna hear dat." I said. "T really? I never kiss a girl before." She said pouting. "Welppp" I said. "Ugh okay." She said gettin close to me. "3...2..-" She was counting.

I started laughin my ass off. "Mane why are you counting? Just kiss me." I told her. She finally gave in and kiss me. But the thang is she was still kissin' me. I started kissin ha byke. She was now tonguing my ass down.

She pulled away. "Oh my. Im sorry about that. Um...I gotta get going, see you at school." She said sounding embarrassed walkin off. I nodded my head. I watch as she get in her car and droved off. I got in my car and drove home.

Ima guessing my moms already at work. I took a quick shower and got dress. Its was now @7:53A.M. School start at 8:30 so I still had a lil time to myself. I went in my bookbag pullin out my work seein did I finish it. I finished the 3 questions I had left. My mama started callin me.

"Hello?" I say. "Wyd?" She asked. "Just got finish doin' my school work." I said. "Okay, did you eat?" She asked. "No'ma, not yet." I told her. "You need to eat. " She told me. "I am. " I say. "Ok, have a good day at school and see you when you get home." She said. "A'ighh'tt." I said befo' hanging up.

I went into the kitchen and cook me an egg sandwich. I look at the time on the stove and it was time fa me to leave. I grabbed my stuff and headed out to my car. I got in and drove outta the driveway, heading my way to the school.

My mind went to me and Jaliyah kissing. Dat shit was crazzyy. She was a good kisser. I pulled up to the school and got out. I walked into the buildin' the first bell rung. I was juss in time. I went to my first period class. I wasn't feelin'it today, I was still kinda tide. Aftaa I finish my work , I put my head down takin a nap.

The bell rung. I got up and puttin my bookbag on. "Have a nice day class" Ms.Williams said.

I was walkin' to my locker to put my stuff in it. I opened my locker and put my stuff inside. When I closed it, Trevon were standing theaa' like a stalker.

" You mad at me?" He asked. I started walkin' off on him but he grabbed me by my arm. " Look I'm sorry alright? Let me make it up to you. " He said.

"I really gotta go to cla-" I was cut off by that same lightskin dude. "Sup babygirl?" He spoke walkin' over whea' we was. Awe lawddd. "Um hi." I said. I look at Tre and his whole face expression changed. He had a smirk on his face, while walkin' off. "I gotta get to class Chaz" I told him. " You remember my name? That's wassup." He said smilin'. I nodded my head befo' walkin' to my 2nd period class.

I got to my class on time, surprisingly. I grabbed my notebook and sat at my desk doin the mawnin' assignment. " 5more mins and I'll be comin around and check it. " Ms.Brown said.

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