Chapter 5: Hunting with Slits

Start from the beginning

                         Her red orbs glowed, becoming a little fearful. I stabbed in-between her fingers for a bit to play with my food. Her gaze was intoxicating, I laughed with each stab, and laughed harder when I heard her yelp. When I finally rose the knife to loosen her grip, one of her hands had already let go of the ledge. I half wondered if it was out of fear, or lack of strength. My hand flew down, but I was cut off by the weight of another being charging me, and knocking me over.

Jeff's P.O.V.

                          I hadn't had to much to do back at Slender's, so I just decided to go on a hunt. I needed to soothe my tendencies, and I needed to get out of the house. The place made me feel antsy, and I needed to find out who took out the woman in the house just outside the woods. I was planning to get her eventually, but never quiet got around to it. It could have been Jane, but the killing was just a little too straight forward. An X was carved into her chest, and there were bullets riddled around the house. I couldn't see Jane doing that, or carving huge slit like marks on everything, from the woman's arms, to her legs, and even all over her face. Unless Jane was stepping away from mocking me, and mimicking my killing style, which I highly doubted. Jane hated my guts, she loved to steal my prey, right in front of me. There was no way her plans had changed. As I got there, I saw some sort of creature tormenting a person dangling over the edge of the cliff. Though I really could not possibly care less about the person hanging, the creature doing the tormenting had to be the killer from before. My eye glittered with anticipation. I readied my knife gripping the handle excitedly. I waited for a moment, listening to the person over the edge yelp, before the dark shapeless creature lifted it's hand a final time. I charged the thing with rigour, knocking it 12ft from the edge. "So you were the one who took that woman out 4 months ago huh?" I chuckled.

                             "And what if I was, and what if I wasn't?" the creature said darkly.

                           I cocked an eyebrow, wondering partly what he meant. My mind didn't linger, I didn't want it too. So I attacked the thing again, he grunted. "You're a pain, Jeff the Killer," the demonic male grumbled,"I think you need to take some of your own advice."

                          "Want to say that again?!" I growled angrily.

                          He laughed, then asked,"Did I strike a nerve Jeff? Or maybe I just aggravated you by stealing your thunder."

                         "AHHHHRAHHHH!" I screamed flying at my opponent.

                          He laughed before swinging at me, punching me in the face. I staggered backwards a few steps, before seeing him right in front of me. I stabbed him in the chest, before he started wailing on me. I did my best to fight back only to be knocked down again. I couldn't help but, remember Liu, and think he would see me as weak and pathetic. As he had me against the ropes, and now brandished the knife I had stabbed him with. He was going to kill me, and I wouldn't be able to get out of it. As I waited for death, I suddenly noticed he stopped. His head turned slight to face behind him, then he just slowly disintegrated. It revealed a young girl, just slightly younger than me, with injuries similar to the woman who had been killed out here. "Are you ok?" She asked.

                            But, I was still frozen, trying to figure out what just happened.

Slits' P.O.V.

                          After I heard the rough voice of another human above me, I sighed. I was thankful that whoever it was, was going out of their way to attack the dream stealer who tried to kill me. Though to be fair, I don't even think they cared that I was over the edge of the cliff. The past few minutes replayed in my head a couple times. I had learned from Ace that dream stealers had a variety of abilities, but shape shifting, or illusions, weren't on that list. That meant who ever created these new ones had to have someone with one or both of said abilities. I balled the hand that fell into a fist, there was no way to reach my new knife while being here. So I took the opportunity to reach up, and grab the ledge again. I pulled myself up, and after being on solid ground again, I noticed the person who had saved me. "Jeff the Killer," I mumbled thoughtfully,"of all the people to unintentionally save me why him?"

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