Chapter 12

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One month later

   Artemis zetaed to the Cave for the baby shower M'gann and Zatanna were throwing for her. They invited all the females from the team plus Wonder Women and Black Canary. 
   Wally was with Dick to work things out. They hadn't talked much since Artemis had gotten pregnant.
   First, Dick was mad at Wally for hurting Artemis. Then, Wally was mad at Dick when he learned he slept with Artemis. When they learned that they had both fathered a child with Artemis, they stopped talking completely.
   Artemis didn't blame them. It was truly an awkward and complicated situation. She was happy that they were going to try to work things out for the babies' sake.
   When she walked into the room everyone greeted her with a hug. Everyone was wearing pins that M'gann had made. The pins were a simple blue and pink bow with two baby rattles on it. One blue and one pink. Obviously.
   M'gann had made a bigger one for Artemis that said 'Mommy to be'. "Aww. Thanks M'gann," Artemis said as she put the pin on. For the first hour or so of the baby shower everyone was just walking around and talking to each other. Everybody placed their gifts on a table in the corner. In the front of the room there was a snack table. They played games. And everyone got a chance to feel Artemis' stomach. Artemis favorite part was opening the gifts. She got so many cute toys, blankets, onesies, and bibs for the twins. Plus two baby car seats from Ollie and Dinah.  

A few hours later  

   Artemis was at her condo putting away all the gifts she got from the baby shower. Now she had everything she needed for when her babies get here. She put her hand on her stomach and smiled. Only three more weeks before she would finally be able to meet her babies. She was interrupted from her thoughts by her phone ringing.
   "Hey Dick," Artemis said, "how'd things go with Wally?" "Great actually. We caught up a little, saw the game, had a few drinks. Kinda like old times," Dick said with a light laugh. "How'd your baby shower go?" "It was really fun. I got everything I need for the twins," Artemis replied. "That's good to here. Anyway I was thinking maybe we could-" Dick was cut off by  Artemis gasping almost dropping the phone. "What's wrong," Dick asked. "My w-water broke," Artemis said gasping for air. "What!? Your not due for almost a month," Dick exclaimed. "I know but- oww!" Artemis exclaimed. "Don't worry I'm on my way. I'll call Wally," Dick said. "Okay. Hurry." Artemis grabbed a bag and began to pack up some things. Diapers, two onesies, bottles, ect.
   True to his words he was there in less than three minutes. "Where's Wally?" Artemis asked. "He's on his way to the hospital." "Okay." 
   Now they were at the hospital walking into the emergency room. Wally was waiting there for them at the entrance. "Arty are you okay," he's asked as he helped her walk in. Dick close behind. Artemis gripped Wally's shirt as she had another contraction.
   A nurse brought a wheelchair and began to walk towards the hallway. But before they went into a room the nurse turned around and said, "Only the father is allowed to be in the room." "I'm the father," both Wally and Dick said. The nurse gave them an awkward and confused look. "You can figure that out later but both of you stay outside." Before either of them could say anything Artemis was pushed into the room.

A few hours later

   "And push!" Artemis nodded and pushed and screamed from the pain. Soon her screams were replaced by tiny wails. "The first baby is out. It's a boy," the doctor said as a nurse took the newborn to get cleaned. "Okay time for the second baby." Artemis pushed. Once again tiny wails filled the room. "Here's little sister," the doctor said. A nurse took the newborn to get cleaned with her brother.
   Artemis fell back on the bed and cried tears of happiness.

A/N The twins are here! The next chapter will be up in a few days and it'll have a full description of what the twins look like.


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