Chapter 3

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Two months later

   Artemis moved in with Zatanna. When she showed up at her apartment Zatanna asked her a hundred and seven questions, unsurprisingly.
   Artemis and Dick hadn't talked since their 'one night stand'. She got a job waiting tables at a dinner across the street. Today when she woke up she immediately ran to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet. A few seconds later Zatanna was there holding back her hair.
   "Artemis are you okay." "Yeah. It's probably last night's dinner." "Are you sure because I ate the same thing you did." That threw Artemis for a loop. She was right. And this wasn't the first time she woke up and vomited. "I'm gonna get ready for work."

A few hours later

   Artemis had just gotten off work when she got a text.

Text Messeges: 1

Zatanna- Can you buy toilet paper on your way home?

   Artemis was at Walgreens. She bought a package of toilet paper and a pregnancy test.
   Artemis was in the bathroom sitting on the toilet. Waiting for the timer on her phone to go off. What if I am pregnant? Artemis though to herself. Then her timer went off. She slowly reached her hand out to look at the test.
   The Plastic clattered to the floor; Artemis dashed out of the bathroom and knocked on Zee's bedroom door. "Hey did you get the toilet pa- what's wrong?" She noticed Artemis scared expression. "I'm pregnant." "A-are you sure?" Zatanna asked. "Yeah. I just took a test."
   Moments passed and niether said a word. Then Zatanna spoke, "Are you gonna tell Wally?" "Umm... I don't know if it's his," Artemis said hesitantly. "What!? Then whose is it?" Artemis didn't say anything for a while. "I think... maybe Dick." Now Zatanna was mad. Artemis slept with her ex boyfriend and didn't tell her. "What!? When?" Artemis panicked, "I'm sorry Zee we were drunk. I know I should've told you but I was to ashamed of myself. I.. I didn't know what to do." It was then that Artemis finally started crying.
   Zatanna suddenly felt bad and pulled the crying blonde into a hug. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten mad at you. So... it's Dick's baby?" Artemis answered, "I don't know." "Well how far along are you?" "About two months give or take." "So do you plan on telling either of them?" Zatanna asked. "I think it's best not to. Can you imagine all the drama that'll start," Artemis replied. "Are you gonna do a paternity test?" "No. That means having to tell them. I don't even know if I'm keeping the baby." "Artemis ran her hand through her hair. "I'm gonna go to bed. I'm tired," Artemis stood up and began to walk towards the hallway. "Artemis we still have a lot to talk about," Zee tried but Artemis was already in her bedroom.

A/N In the next chapter Artemis will decide whether or not she'll tell Wally and/or Dick. Also should the she be pregnant with twins or just one baby.

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