Chapter 9

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   Artemis and Zatanna were at their apartment eating dinner. "So have any baby name ideas?" Zatanna asked. "For the boy I've been thinking something like Jaiden or Damien. And for the girl I like Sophie or Alice." Artemis rubbed her protruding stomach. "Me and Wally said that if we ever had a girl her middle name would be Iris or Paula." Artemis smiled sadly. "Artemis have you told Wally's family?" "No," Artemis said blankly. "Artemis they deserve the right to know about their grandchild and niece or nephew." "I know but...," Artemis tried to think of something to say. "Just because Wally cheated on you doesn't mean they have to pay for it." "You're right," Artemis said.

The next morning

   Artemis had zetaed to Keystone City. She was waiting outside the West's door. She was relieved when she noticed Wally's car wasn't there. She slowly knocked on the door. Mary opened it. The look on her face showed that she never thought she would ever see Artemis again. "Oh. Artemis. What are you doing here?" Artemis looked down, " I have some news." Mary also looked down and gasped at Artemis huge baby bump. "Is it-" "Yes. It's Wally's," Artemis interrupted. "Okay. Umm... come in." Mary moved out of the way for Artemis. Artemis walked in and sat down next to Mary on the couch. "What did Wally tell you," Artemis asked.
   Mary took a deep breath. "Well, he said that you had been drinking too much and that you cheated on him."  That threw Artemis for a loop. She expected him to lie and say that she cheated but drinking too much. Artemis only got drunk once and that was a few days after her mother's death. She couldn't believe Wally would be such a coward to admit he was the one that cheated. Artemis shook her head and began to explain. "He cheated on me for months. And I knew about it, but I didn't want to leave or anything because I thought he would stop," she took a deep breath, "After awhile I realized he wouldn't so I left." "Artemis I am so sorry. It's just that I believed what Wally said I didn't know he was lying." "It's okay Mary."
   "Is it a boy or a girl?" Mary asked smiling. Artemis replied, "both actually." Mary gasped, "twins." She went to put her and on Artemis' stomach but Artemis stopped her. Mary gave her a confused look. "What's wrong?" "Only one of them is Wally's." "What!?" Artemis almost laughed. She'd heard that same response every time she told some one the twins had different fathers. "The night when I left Wally I went over to a friend's house and I got drunk and...yeah." "Okay," Mary said, "which one's Wally's?" "I don't know." There was a long silence between them. "I'm gonna go. I'll see you later I guess." Artemis stood up. "Are you sure?" Mary asked. "Yeah I have to be somewhere in a bit," Artemis lied then walked out.
   As Artemis was walking towards the alley where the zeta tube was her phone rang. "Hey Dick, what do you want?" Artemis said. "I was wondering if I could pick you up so we can have lunch," Dick said. "Yeah sure that would be great," Artemis replied. "Where are you?" "I'm in Keystone." "Why are you all the way over there?" "Umm... I'll explain later. I'm about to zeta back to Gotham, so you can pick me up at my apartment." "Okay. See you in a bit. Bye." "Bye."

A/N So looks like Wally was keeping secrets from his family too. The next chapter will be up in a few days.

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