Chapter 6

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   Artemis was pacing back and forth in her room. She was deciding whether or not she should call. She rubbed her baby bump. She was only three months pregnant but because she was having twins she looked to be around five months.
   After half an hour of debating she picked up the phone and called Dick. Her phone rang two times before he picked up. "Hey 'Mis. ... How have you been?" He asked awkwardly. "I'm fine. You remember the night when I left Wally and came over to your place?" Artemis asked. "Yeah sorta," he gave out a short awkward laugh, "I'm sorry. You were drunk and that shouldn't have happened. I'm sorry." "Dick we were both drunk it's not your fault. But there's a bigger umm..... problem now." "What's wrong are you okay?" Dick asked worried. "Yeah I'm fine. The thing is that ... I'm pregnant." "What!? How long? Why didn't you tell me I-" "I don't know if your the father," Artemis interrupted. "What do you mean," Dick asked still  shocked at the news. Artemis replied, "I don't know if you or Wally are the father?" Dick was silent few a few seconds but it felt like hours had passed before he responded. "Should we do a paternity test?" "If you're okay with it," Artemis replied, "you don't have to i mean-" "No of course I'll do it. I can even set up the appointment if you'd like." "Sure that'd be great. I'll see you then. Bye." "Bye." Artemis took deep breath. She walked to the bathroom and drank some water. Should I call Wally?
   She grabbed her phone and went to Wally's contact. She unblocked him. Her finger hovered over the call button for a few seconds then she just put her phone down and went to bed.

A few weeks later

   Dick was waiting outside of Zee and Artemis' apartment to pick her up. While he was waiting his phone rang. Wally. He hasn't talked to him since Artemis left. He answered. "Hey. Is Artemis with you," Wally asked. "No, but I'm waiting outside her apartment." "Why?" Wally asked. "We're going to do a paternity test," Dick answered. "She's pregnant? Why didn't she tell me!?" "I don't know. Maybe because you cheated on her," Dick answered back angrily. "Wait but why is she doing a paternity test with you?" Wally asked confused. Dick hung up. Just then Artemis knocked on the passenger side window. When she got in she asked, "who was that?" "Just Bruce reminding me of a meeting tomorrow," Dick lied. "You look great. You've gotten big. No ofense," he said quickly." "None taken.
   Throughout the drive none of them said anything. When they got to the lab the doctor took DNA and said that the results should be ready in 4-5 days. They were now driving back.
   "So you feeling the 'aster'," Dick said trying to break the silence. Artemis laughed. "Yeah. I'm a little whelmed." "Look 'Mis even if the babies aren't mine I promise I'll fully support you three. I can get you a place to live, I'll buy all the furniture, I'll-" "Dick that's very nice of you but it's still too soon to do or plan anything." "Okay." He dropped Artemis off. "Bye 'Mis." "Bye. See you later."
   When she got to the door she noticed someone was waiting outside her apartment. "Wally!?"

A/N Cliffhanger. Sorry. Next chapter will be up in a few days. Let's see what Wally and Artemis have to say to each other.

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