Chapter Twenty Two: Octopi and Coffee Dates

Start from the beginning

"I brought coffee." I said softly, setting the cups on the night stand between their beds. Shownu grabbed a cup quickly, sipping it tentatively.

I took my coffee cup and sat on my bed, drinking it slowly. I tried to look anywhere but at the bed next to mine where both Hyungwon and Wonho sat.

"They want to leave for the aquarium soon." Shownu announced to the room.

Wonho groaned, rubbing his head. "I don't know if I'll be able to go. I feel like absolute crap."

"Me neither." Hyungwon nodded in agreement.

"I mean, I'm feeling sick too." Shownu sighed, "But I'm still going to go. Just wait for the Advil to kick in and then decide."

After about an hour, we all piled into the car to head towards the Aquarium. Wonho and Hyungwon felt better after a little while, but they were also pressured by Shownu to come along. I sat in the back seat of the car again, somehow ending up sandwiched between Hyungwon and Wonho.

My heart was racing, but both of them seemed to be completely calm.

'They don't remember, I should just forget too.'

We arrived at the aquarium after a rather short time.

Minhyuk hopped out of the car, looking excitedly at the building

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Minhyuk hopped out of the car, looking excitedly at the building.

"Finally!" He cheered.

We all came out of the car slowly one after the other, Minhyuk excitedly waiting to go inside. He grabbed onto Shownu's arm as soon as he got out of the driver's seat and dragged him towards the ticket booth.

"I don't know where he gets the energy from." Hyungwon sighed next to me.

I jumped out of my skin upon hearing his voice, not expecting him to speak to me. I stuttered for a while before following after Shownu to escape from the situation.

Shownu paid for everyone's tickets and then we entered the aquarium. Minhyuk dragged Shownu away to see the turtles, Jooheon in tow. Kihyun and Wonho meandered around, looking for a dark place, entering the tropical fish exhibit. Hyungwon seemed to wander around on his own, lost in his thoughts. I watched as they dispersed to do their own things, when Changkyun came up to talk to me.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked. "I don't usually do aquariums..."

I glanced at him, noticing that he was avoiding eye contact with me. I guess I had made him uncomfortable after grinding on him last night.

"Well, I think I want to see their shark exhibit..." I muttered, following the signs into a small building. The exhibit was pretty lackluster, mostly nursing sharks and a couple of ragged tooths. But I didn't need to see too many sharks here, I had touched one just yesterday after all.

"Those sharks are so cute..." Changkyun muttered as we stood in front of the baby nursing shark exhibit. The tiny sharks were swimming around with some other fish.

"Yeah, they really are." I smiled down at the fish tank, happy someone had agreed with me. I really admired sharks, most people didn't.

"What made you start liking sharks?" Changkyun asked as we exited the shark exhibit and walked into another.

"I used to be terrified of them." I explained, "As a kid, I'd run away at the sight of a shark. But one day I decided I didn't want to be afraid of them anymore. So I started learning about them and then I kind of fell in love with them."

"So it's just a fear you overcame?" Changkyun asked as we stopped at a touch tank. I put my hand into the water, petting sting rays as they passed. I liked being close to nature. So I enjoyed visiting places like zoos and aquariums when I had the chance. It reminded me that not all of the world was bad. It was hard to remember there was still good in the world in my line of work.

"Yeah, it was pretty easy I guess." I replied. Once I was tired of touching sting rays, I went on to admire the eels. "I think our fears are things we need to face."

"So you're really not afraid of anything?" Changkyun asked, shocked expression on his face.

I laughed, shaking my head. "Of course I have fears."

'Like commitment, talking to strangers, opening up to people, etc.'

But it was easier to overcome fears of physical things. Sharks were just an animal I was likely to never come into contact with, until yesterday.

"Like what?" Changkyun chuckled. "You're a bodyguard after all!"

I thought of something I would feel comfortable telling Changkyun I was afraid. "Well..." I sighed, things were about to get deep. "I never met my father. So I'm afraid that when I do meet him, he'll turn out to be a good guy."

"You're afraid he'll be a good person?" Changkyun asked, brow quirked.

We walked along the tanks, glancing around at the different fish. I stopped in front of the octopus, staring at it intently. It was trying its best to hide, but I could still see it.

"Well I've been avoiding finding him because I think that he must be a bad person if he left my mom." I replied. "I'm just afraid I'll end up being wrong and that I'll have missed out on years of happiness..."

Changkyun didn't respond.

'I shouldn't have said anything, now he's probably even more uncomfortable...'

"I understand." Changkyun nodded, I looked over at him to gauge his reaction. He looked empathetic. "I have a completely normal family. A father and a mother that stayed happily married, and still are. I don't know what I would do if that weren't the case. I probably wouldn't be where I am now. But if your father was willing to leave you, then he isn't worth your time."

I smiled at him. He was just trying to make me feel better, and it was working.

"You're not so bad of a guy." I smiled at him, patting him on the shoulder.

Changkyun flushed red before turning to the octopus, "Look at this thing! I've heard they're supposed to be really smart."

I smiled to myself.

I was sure there was a reason the universe had connected me with these guys. They were helping me while I helped them. It was well worth putting up with crazy fans and jealous k-idols.

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