She nodded. "I don't know why, but... I almost feel better now." She looked up at him. "So... Are you still going to find this Varia?"

"I have to," Goku breathed. "I don't have a choice. If it really is something important, I have to do it. For him. I have to fix what I did. I wasn't there when he needed me the most, so I have to fix this." He stood and left. He got outside and inhaled deeply, glancing up at the evening skies. Stars glittered faintly. "Varia... What is that, Vegeta? What's Varia? I can't do this on my own."

"I won't let you do it on your own," Goku heard. "Follow me."

He looked around, and saw only a few fallen leaves brush by him. A severe chill went through him when he picked up the faintest energy. "Vegeta!" He followed the signal. It was scarcely there. He lost it several times, but a soft whistle always brought him back to the right path. "Wait for me! Where are you?" He was answered with silence, but another chill went through him. "Come on, where are-?"

Something slammed into his chest, knocking him onto his butt. He looked around wildly, but he was alone. "Vegeta?"

"Don't ask so many questions."

And the silence returned. Goku gulped and got up. Silently he followed the faint energy. He was led to Capsule's collection of starcrafts. "Uh, Vegeta? Do I have permission to do this...?"


"Ok," Goku whispered. He crept into the ship and yelped when it automatically turned on. "Vegeta!? Was that you!?"

The ramp closed rather forcefully and the ship began to rise without waiting for Goku to get settled. The Saiyan yelped and fell down. "Geta, hang on! I'm not ready!" He was ignored. He managed to crawl into the chair. "You little... Vegeta, that was mean."

The energy breezed past him nonchalantly. He tossed a gentle glare after it. "I missed you, you know. A lot. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I wish I had been." He listened to the roar of the ships engines for a moment. "Vegeta, will you talk to me? Please? I've missed you so much..." he whispered.

There was several seconds of silence, then Goku felt a soft, sweet breath wash over the side of his face. "I've... I've missed you too."

Goku forgot how to breathe for a moment. "I- I don't want to make you mad, but... Is this really you, Vegeta? Have you come back to me?"

More quiet. "Yes. It's me, Kakarrot. I don't know how I can do this; I am pretty dead, after all." He sounded slightly amused. "I woke up when you turned my phone on, so that means you must have gotten my message."

"I did," Goku whispered. "I can't even use words to tell you how awful I feel. I should have-"

"Been there. I know. But I was a goner anyway. Now that I look back on it, I don't want you to know how bad it was."

"Bulma talked about it. And- yeah, you know how good my imagination is." Goku pushed away the gory images he'd concocted during Bulma's recounting. "She said it was some kind of parasite. I wish I'd been there for you. I don't care how bad it was. You needed me."

The voice was quiet. "Kakarrot?"

"Yeah, Vegeta?" Goku glanced around, but he still couldn't see the other Saiyan.

He sensed a bit of anxiety in the faint ki. "I... I told you how I felt." Goku realized that the ship had stopped and was just hovering in space. "I need to know. I just need a yes or a no. Kakarrot... I love you. Do you feel... even remotely the same way?" The fear was palpable.

Goku's heart softened and he smiled slightly. "Yes," he breathed. "But I was too scared to tell you. If I'd even had a strong guess that you felt this way for me, I'd have kidnapped you in a heartbeat. I don't know how I didn't see it, or how you didn't see that I adored you, but I'm going to try to fix this. I want you back."

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