CH 20: Just, How?

Start from the beginning

"Hansol will be able to leave the hospital tomorrow." He checked his clipboard. "And he suffers from memory loss since he's been in a coma for too long, we don't know if he'll remember anything. His family, friends or even himself, which may be a problem. We have his family's phone number, and seeing that your close with him, please make the call. The family wouldn't answer because of past commotions we had with them.." Suji was hesitant but nodded. "Thank you so much!" He smiled and left the room after giving Suji a small paper with the number on it,

She dialed the number and after few buzzes, someone picked up. "Hello?" An old lady seemed to answer.

"Uh yes hello.."

I never got to rehearse what to say.. Suji closed her eyes in frustration.

"I-uh.. Your son-"

"My son?! Hansol??"

"Yes.. He woke up from the coma and will be discharged tomorrow-"

"Oh thank yoUUU, THANK YOU THANK YOUU!" She yelled through the phone. Suji heard some muttering from the other line and heard cheers and sobs.

"May I ask who you are my dear child?"

"Suji. Lee Suji, Hansol's friend."

"Thank you again, your an angel." She said cheerfully. "I'll meet you there!" The old lady hung up the phone and Suji relaxed on the chair.

"Is everything alright?" Hansol asked leaning against the door frame.

Suji nodded.

"Your sure you aren't just my friend?.." He asked shyly. Suji almost choked on air.

"UhM I-" Suji stuttered.

"Sorry I asked that.. I was expecting I had a girlfriend, do you know who she is if I have one?" He asked curious.

Suji's jaw dropped at the question he just asked.


Suji was greeted with hugs from Hansol's mom, brother and sister, and then they hugged Hansol tightly. Suji smiled, it was nice to see Hansol's family all together.

"My son, your finally awake after 5 years." She sobbed and cupped Hansol's cheeks.

The room was filled with tears, and small laughter. Marco, Daewon and Taeyong also came to see the moment. They crying like babies as they held on to one another.

These doofuses She looked at the boys who were crying.

Suji shook her head and looked back at the precious family.

Everything was so heartwarming, Hansol meeting his family, Hansol in human form, the boys crying looked so funny, and she luckily got to experience each and every one of it. It was a blessing from heaven.


"Long Macchiato!" Yewon yelled from the cashier.

"Yes!" Hwanhee yelled back.

"Someone ordered an Espresso!" Yebin yelled.

"I got it!" Hansol yelled back.

Hyunjoo got the Macchiato and served it to the customer whom was sitting at the table with it's designated number. "Here you go!" She smiled cheerfully.

Suji ran to the counter while putting away her cloth to clean tables. She got the Espresso from Hansol and both smiled at eachother before Suji went and serve it to the table. "Enjoy!" She smiled sweetly.

Suji's mom got out from the back of the café and smiled at Suji who was panting like crazy.

"Phew." Suji wiped her forehead with the pack of her hand while leaning against the counter, trying to catch her breath.

They all laughed together.


Still worried about Daehyun?

The day before...

Hongbin appeared in front of Daehyun.

"Ahh what do you want?" Daehyun rolled his eyes as he was eating ramen in an alley way.

"Your coming with me."

"No." He crossed his arms and pouted.

Hongbin rolled his eyes and kicked his leg.

"W-Woooaaah, what did I ever do angel boy?" He dropped his chopsticks into the ramen bowl.

Hongbin kicked his leg even harder and that made Daehyun wince in pain as he clung onto Hongbin's leg.

"O-Oww! The PAINNnn!!" He whined.

And BAAM, they're gone in a poOF.


Suji sat in front of her brother's grave.

"I told Hansol what happened and he thinks I'm crazy still, like he's the one who was in a coma?!" She pouted.

"You know when you told me to wait a little while, I never thought it'd happening in the same day!" She laughed while clapping her hands together.

"Shh.. Don't tell anyone but.." Suji paused. "I have a crush on Hansol hehehehehe" She felt heat rise up to her cheeks and cupped her own cheeks while rolling around and screaming inside.

"Hah!" Suji heard and froze in her spot.

She then saw a giant Hansol rising above her brother's grave.

"I knew you liked me."

"You h-heard?" Suji's eyes was about to pop out of her eye sockets.

"I totally wasn't hiding behind your brother's grave and hearing everything you said." He smirked. "But-" He paused. "I like you too so don't feel embarrassed." He blushed.

Suji couldn't keep her smile in.

"Let's date." He said seriously.

Suji widened her eyes and heard ooh's and ahh's. She turned her head and saw the 3 annoying boys fangirling.

"Just how will I get rid of you guys." She hissed at them.

Hansol looked at where Suji was looking at Suji and tilted his head.

"Just, how?"




its the end



I hope you guys enjoyed this book I enjoyed making it and I hoped you guys enjoyed reading it beacsue I surely do enjoy looking at your feedback! :)

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