CH 2: Blurry

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Suji opened the store and headed behind the counter. Suji's mom was sick so she couldn't do too much work, no wonder Suji's mom was in the washroom for that long the other day. Suji's mom was working too hard, it was all up to Suji too run the cafe for the day. In the weekends, many people come and drop by to get a coffee, then leave.

Sometimes I wish I were that people, they always have somewhere to go, while I'm stuck here.. Suji always thought that every time she sees smiles on peoples faces as they leave.

Suji always wonders what her friends are doing, what happens if she just goes to get noodles alone, how it feels to feel free. A 20 year old should at least enjoy their life with friends, family, pets, food.. RIGHT FOOD!!

"Uhh excuse me??" A woman asked. Suji snapped back to reality. The lineup grew and grew as the woman was trying to get Suji's attention.

"Ahh.. I'm sorry miss.. May I take your order?" Suji said with a fake smile.


Hours passed and Suji's been serving and taking orders, wasting no time. At times she wasn't aware of her surroundings and would bump into people, always saying "I'm very sorry".

As Suji served table 3 she looked up and noticed someone was watching her through the window. That person looked away and instead looked at his wrist. A.K.A an imaginary watch. Suji always felt like someone was watching her for the past few hours, but just decided to let that go because maybe she was overthinking too much.


Suji closed the café and headed home. The café closes at 10:00PM and opens at 7:00AM everyday, in weekends 9:00AM-10:00PM.

Suji's Routine

Sleep ~ 11:00PM - 5:00AM or 7:00AM

Eat Breakfast ~ 5:10AM or 7:10AM - 5:25AM or 7:25AM

Wash Up (Shower/Brush teeth) ~ 5:30AM or 7:30AM - 5:45AM or 7:45AM

Get Dressed ~ 5:50AM or 7:50AM - 5:55AM or 7:55AM

Walk To Bus Stop ~ 6:00AM or 8:00AM - 6:20AM or 8:20AM

Walk To Café~ 6:20AM or 8:20AM - 6:30AM or 8:30AM

Clean Café ~ 6:35AM or 8:35AM - 6:55AM or 8:55AM

Open Café ~ 7:00AM or 9:00AM - 10:00PM

Go Home ~ 10:05PM - 10:55PM

Yeah, Suji's routine is pretty simple, but very busy.

She has to repeat this schedule. Every. Single. Day. Until they get workers.

"Ahh I'm so tired.." Suji said while rubbing her eyes.

I should probably get a energy drink. I swear I'll pass out soon. Suji thought tiredly.

Suji headed to the convenience store and was struggling to find the fridges as her eyes were blurry. She finally found the fridge and grabbed an energy bottle, she then headed towards the cashier, sloppily walking.

"$2.50 please." The cashier said.

Suji looked up and squinted at the cashier as she was trying to find her money. Her eyes were still blurry.

"I'll pay for that" A voice said quietly from beside Suji.

Suji looked beside her and stared at the figure. Whoever this person was, she wanted to get a closer look, but Suji was too tired to think. She squinted at the person, but Suji's eyes weren't working and was too blurry. Suji rubbed her eyes together again, but that just made things worse.

Suji moved her head close to the person, desperate to see who it is, still squinting her eyes. The person leaned back until the cashier said something.

"You want a bag?" The cashier looked at Suji.

"Ah yes thank you" Suji said and went back to the counter.

They both exited the store and Suji let her hand out the opposite way to where the person was.

"Thank you, person. I owe you very much." Suji said with a smile and was waiting for the person to respond to her handshake.

"Your welcome.." The person said in a low quiet voice, and moved to where Suji's hand was, and shyly shaked it.

"I hope we meet again, and I hope I can see your face again!" Suji said smiling more energetically.

"Yeah." The person smiled and started walking the opposite direction.

"Byee!!" Suji waved in the wrong direction to where he was going.

"Bye." The person said loud enough for Suji to hear.

Once Suji started to walk she remembered she has the energy drink. She opened the lid and drank the drink. Her eyesight became more better and she felt more energetic. She looked back, eager to find that person. She could only make out a small figure walking down the street and look at his back. It was a man.

"Woa- did I just talk to a boy without me noticing?" Suji said smiling.

Suji's normally shy. She thought it was a lady since she couldn't hear his voice loudly.

Suji walked down the street smiling. The person looked back to see Suji walking more energetically and smiled.

I need her name.. I'll find out tomorrow. The person thought, still smiling.


OKay i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter wooo!! PLease stay tuned for more chapters. especially since summer break is coming soon.

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