CH 12: Guardian Angel

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"What's this?" Suji looked at Hansol.

They stopped in front of a door and Suji was confused.

"Don't you like dancing?" Hansol asked.

"Well yeah I do but I stopped." She looked down.

Hansol opened the door revealing a practice room and a few boys inside.

"Hansol!!" One of the boys came up to Hansol and patted his back. "It's been long." He said.

Suji just stood there and smiled.

"Where were you all this time? Trying to find a girlfriend?" Another boy said and they laughed.

"It's good to see you guys again guys." Hansol said.

The boys diverted their gaze from Hansol to Suji.

"And who might this be?" One of the boys said, going up to Suji.

"Hello, my name is Lee Suji." She introduced herself shyly.

"Lee Suji, I see.." He said.

"Hey Marco, leave her alone." Hansol said.

Marco backed off and whispered to Hansol. "Such an over protective boyfriend.." Marco teased and Hansol hit his head.

"I'm Daewon." Daewon let out his hand.

Suji shook it.

"Wow such a gentlemen." The others said.

"My name is Taeyong" Taeyong smiled.

"Ah Taeyong, okay.."

Suji was pretty sure she'd forget their names. They must be Hansol's close friends.

"What are you guys doing here anyways?" Taeyong asked and Suji looked at Hansol.

"Well, you see, Suji here.." Hansol said.

"Ohh. Suji wants to dance?" Daewon asked and Suji's jaw dropped.

"Actually, Hansol just brought me-"

"No, it's okay, don't be shy!" Daewon smiled.

Suji gave the death glare to Hansol.


"Okay, so first of all, do you know how to body roll?" Taeyong asked.

"Yeah, I just didn't body roll in a long time.." Suji showed her amazing skills. Well, not so amazing,

It looked like her spine was broken.

"You body roll like this." Hansol demonstrated.

She tried to copy Hansol.

"Am I doing it right?"

"Well yeah-" Daewon said.

"No you look like you want to break your spine on purpose." Hansol was being honest.

Suji hit Hansol's arm.

"I'm trying." Suji pouted.

It took about 23793593 times until she got it right. Basically took the whole night. But she was really good at dancing. Her moves were sharp and clean.

Suji felt really refreshed that she was able to dance again. She felt like her.

It was 1AM already.

"Thank you guys." Suji said. They were exhausted, and Marco already fell asleep.

"Your welcome, come visit any time, okay?" Taeyong said,

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