CH 8: Why?

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"Hwanhee?" Suji asked shocked.

"I'm sorry, I know you will never forgiv-"

"Cut the crap, you've traumatized Suji. Of course she'll never forgive you." Hansol angrily argued back.

Everyone was silent for a long period of time, until Suji said something.

"I think we should get going." She pulled Hansol's arm.

Suji just wanted to get out of there. Seeing someone who's done something that left a huge scar on her life made her want to run away. But then people would just call her "weak" if she ever made a cowardly move like that.

"Will you ever forgive me?" Hwanhee called out.

Suji stopped in her tracks. Hansol looked at Suji, he wanted to hear what she would say. Suji looked back.

"To be honest, as much as I want to forgive you, I won't. And you already know why, so stop saying sorry, acting as if you've done nothing bad, because you know you did something in someone's life that will never heal." Suji deeply sighed and continued walking with Hansol. Leaving Hwanhee dumbfounded.

It was true, Suji did want to forgive Hwanhee. But her trust issues with him is complicated. She tried moving on, but he popped up back in her life. Something she's been praying for not to happen.


"Are you okay?" Hansol glanced at Suji who had her head leaning on the bus window.

"Yeah, yeah." Suji said weakly.

It was currently 4:46PM.

"Let's get japchae." Hansol said grabbing Suji's hand and walked to the door, waiting for the bus to stop.

"Hey, Lee Suji." Hansol called. "Why aren't you eating?"

Suji was just leaning on her wrist, blinking, doing nothing.

"If you're thinking about that guy-"

"No, it's not that. I'm just not hungry." Suji cut Hansol off.

"Impossible. You haven't ate since this morning, we just took a walk, and you're not hungry. Are you even human?" He crashed his eyebrows together.

Suji let out a small chuckle, what Hansol said boosted her mood up a bit.

"Okay, I'll eat." Suji grabbed her chopsticks and started to eat her food.

"Yeah that's right. It's because I'm older isn't it?"

"Hey, stop mentioning your age, cause once we're older your gonna regret mentioning your age." Suji giggled.

Hansol was silent.

"Yeah see, nothing to say eh?" Suji smiled.

They basically went everywhere around Seoul, bought souvenirs from places Suji didn't visit yet and bought some clothes. (Some were matching clothes hehe)

It was fun. Suji even forgot about Hwanhee, she was living her life.

"Thank you for today" Suji looked up at Hansol. They were now in front of her house. She was wearing a Pikachu headband and is holding a lot of bags, as well as Hansol. They were twinning because Suji forced him too. "Really, I can't thank you enough.."

"Your welcome, now go in safely." Hansol motioned for Suji to go in, waving his hands.

"Wait." Suji said and hugged Hansol, smiling. "If it weren't for you, I'd never figure out what was outside the walls of the café. I wanted to thank you, and I truly mean it."

Suji pulled out and waved goodbye to Hansol. Hansol smiled to himself and started to walk home, what they both didn't know was that Hwanhee was watching, and Hansol passed by him.

Before Suji could even open the door to her house, Jieun opened it first.

"Did you just hug a boy?" Suji's little sister said excitedly while holding on to her phone.

"Yes, and so what?" Suji said.

Jieun unlocked her phone and showed her the photo of both of them hugging.

"Oh my gosh, Jieun, your so dead. If you show that to anyone-" Suji tickled her little sister.


Suji was waiting at the bus stop to go to the café, when she suddenly looked to her side and saw someone she never expected.

Oh you've got to be kidding me. Suji thought.

They never said a word to each other and he had to sit beside Suji when there were other empty seats. They both got off the same stop.

Maybe he's just passing by the café to get to his destination? Maybe..? Oh please. Suji silently prayed to herself.

But nope!

Suji opened the café hoping he was not behind her.

"Uh so I wanted to help out early in the morning.." He said.

"Thanks for trying to help out, but that's okay." Suji rolled her eyes.

"No, really I can help." He insisted.

"No, Hwanhee. You're suppose to come at 12? Why come earlier? I know it's your first day at the job but at least come at your designated time." Suji sounded quite harsh. "Ah sorry.. But still!" She crossed her arms together.

"I'll just sit over there, pretend I'm not here." Hwanhee pointed at the chair in the corner.

"Go home, come back in a few hours. How does that sound? Or even better, go hang out with your best friends, who also stabbed me in the back, yeah them." Suji said sarcastically.

"Suji, just listen to me." Hwanhee tried to grab Suji's hands.

"Don't touch me.." Suji rejected his hands and looked the other way.

Hwanhee reached into his pocket and grabbed something out from his pocket.

Was it really.. No it can't be.. Suji thought.

"I kept it." Hwanhee admitted.

Suji accidentally threw it out.. Well it was not really an accident.

She looked at the small bracelet he was holding in his hands. It was all clean and neat. It looked just how it was years ago.

Suji looked up at Hwanhee.

"Why...?" Was the only words Suji could get out of her mouth.


please share this with your friends or any ji Hansol x lee suji shipper hahaha. and please vote for this story if you're enjoying it so far!! comment some suggestions on what I should do for my next ff. also comment some stuff I can improve on! I will read your comments and will keep improving my stories.

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