CH 11: Find Out

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Suji stared at the gravestone, trying to hold back tears.

The grave stone read

Lee Hongbin

Rest In Peace.

1993 - 2013

Suji's brother.

She took out a stuffed toy from her purse and laid it beside the grave.

Suji's been collecting as much stuff to put beside his grave.

"It's been hectic without you in the café." Suji said. "We're getting more workers, and at least mom is stress free.." Suji smiled slightly.

She sat down and told stories, like hanging out with Hansol, meeting her high school bully, hugging a boy.. Hehe..

Suji really felt like Hongbin was there, listening to all her stories.

"And then Jieun was being a fool and took a photo of me and Hansol hugging even though he probably has a girlfriend." Suji said and laughed. "Though he didn't confirm that he did have one.. I'm not sure."

She really felt relieved, letting it all out to her brother.

"I hope your happy now. I miss you so much." Suji said with a smile, fighting back tears. "Anyways I still have more to tell you.." Suji said as she sat in a more comfortable position.

It's been hours and hours. Suji's been talking with her brother for very long now. Even if she couldn't come up with topics to talk about, she'd always update stuff about what's going on in her life or stuff like that.

"Did I mention I met my childhood crush coming here? It was so awkward but I recognized him first.. He didn't remember me and mocked me." Suji scoffed. "But at least we're friends now."

Suji didn't know someone was watching her.

"Well, goodbye brother. I'll visit again soon, I promise" Suji waved at the grave and headed off to the bus stop. It was already dark and she was scared the spirits will come out anytime.

Suji was just sitting in the bus stop. Waiting for the bus. Waiting, waiting, waiting..

"Suji?" Someone called.

Suji looked to her side and saw Seungmin.

"Oh it's you!" Suji said and smiled.

"Haha yeah. Are you waiting for the bus also?" He asked and sat beside her.

"Yep. It's 12 minutes late." Suji looked at her phone checking the time. 8:12PM.

"Right." Seungmin said. "Anyways, you work at a café?" Seungmin asked.

Suji was shocked, how did he know?

"Yeah.. How do you know?"

"Oh I just passed by your café one day and saw you working.."

"Ohh what a coincidence!" She giggled.

"You need more workers?"

"Yeah but we have plenty of workers for n-"

"I'm free in the weekdays and weekends, and I'm looking for a job soo.."

"Oh. I heard that the convenience store near the café is in need for worker-"

"Actually, I've been planning on working on your café, because.. You know.. You were working very hard."

Suji was getting quite suspicious about Seungmin. How does he know all this?

"Oh yeah thanks.."

"So, is it okay if I get an interview tomorrow?"

"Oh yeah sure, I'll just ask my mom-"

"Okay thanks, I'll see you tomorrow!" Seungmin got up and started walking.

"I thought he was going to take the bus.." Suji said confused.

The bus came after a few minutes and she rode the bus home.

While she was on the bus she got a call.

"Hey, how come you didn't call to ask about what happened in the café?" Hansol asked.

"Cause' I don't wanna know what happened."

"Okay, fine..." There was a long pause. "I'll tell you anyways. So-" Suji rolled her eyes. "-Hwanhee did nothing and just talked with the girls, but your mom scolded them. And hair extensions were found in one of the customer's coffees." Hansol laughed so loud, Suji's eardrums were about to break, and she's pretty sure other people would hear.

Honestly, Hansol doesn't seem shy anymore.

"We'll get more bad reviews if they continue this behavior." Suji said.

"Where were you?" Hansol asked.

"I was just.. shopping." Suji lied. She didn't want anyone to worry about her.

That was her problem, opening up.

"Oh, and you didn't even give me a call."

"Yeah cause my own well-being comes first." Suji said.

She totally forgot to mention about the Seungmin thing.

"Where are you though?" Hansol asked.

"I'm about to get off the bus." Suji said and waited near the bus door to open.

"Okay, I'll see you then." Hansol hung up, and Suji was left dumbfounded.

Suji looked at her shoes.

Danggg. They look good. Suji thought. Then the bus door opened and when she looked up Suji got startled to see Hansol right there.

"Oh my gosh!" Suji said and jumped a little. "WNAOIAMFmfoafa" She started saying gibberish words that no one understands.

"Get out from the bus before the door closes." Hansol yanked Suji's arm out of the bus and he dragged Suji with her.

"Calm down there. My shoes, they're gonna get ruined." Suji said.

"Talking about shoes, you don't have any shopping bags in your hands."


"Yeah, I kinda um.. I left it at home then looked to see if there was more stuff to buy."

That was so stupid.. Who does that? Leave their stuff they bought from the mall then go back to the same mall to buy some stuff there. Only me. Suji then cringed at herself. That was a bad excuse she gotta admit.

Hansol paused then said something. "Oh okay."


Of course Hansol knew something was wrong with Suji, because she kept stuttering when he asked questions like that, but he's gonna find out sooner or later so there's no need to rush Suji.

"Where are we going? Home's that way." Suji pointed the opposite directions with her free arm.

"I know." Hansol said.

Suddenly, after minutes of silence, they reached their destination.

They were standing in front of a dance studio.

"Why are we here?" Suji asked.

"You'll find out." Hansol said and dragged her with him inside the building.


Chapter 11 finally out!! please vote for this story if you're enjoying it so far. <3 thank you so mucho

Just, How? {Lee Suji & Ji Hansol FF}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें