CH 17: Gone

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Was this really reality?

From a girl working at a café everyday, not expecting this at all, now standing in the same room with a spirit, and his lifeless body is right there.

Just how is this even possible
Just how am I living like this right now?
Just how is this even reality?

Were the thoughts Suji was currently having.

It seems like something out of a fantasy movie.

Am I dreaming or something? Am I in a coma? What the heck is happening right now?

"I think you were in a coma.."

Then a doctor came in, Suji greeted the doctor.

"Excuse me, but what happened to him?" She asked, obviously talking about Hansol's lifeless body.

"He got into a coma after fighting somebody, he was responsive when we got there but blacked out as soon he got to the hospital." He sighed "It's been years he's been in a coma, and we're deciding to take him off life support as this room is needed for more clients."

Suji gasped. "Wait, not yet, please!" Suji said sounding desperate.

"Why? Nurses have been keeping an eye on him and no sudden movements really occurred over the years. It's useless."

"Can you just please give it some time..?"

He sighed. "We'll see."

"Please.. We can't lost hope. It could save his life!"

The doctor tilted his head. He then nodded and left the room.

Suji turned her head to Hansol.

Hansol was fading.

"Hansol.." The girl's eyes widened. "Your fading.." She exclaimed.

All Hansol did was smile slightly.

"Hansol??! You can't leave me now, c'mon!"

Hansol's now see through figure, held Suji's hand tightly.

His hand felt cold, but that cold didn't last long when Suji's hand went through his hand.

"Hansol.." Suji asked, she was in the verge of tears now. "Can't you speak and tell me what's going on..?"

Hansol didn't respond.

He then disappeared.

Suji dropped to the floor.

Is he really gone?

"Will I ever see him again?" Suji whispered and a tear fell.

She stood up and looked at Hansol's body.

It was hours. And hours... And hours...

She's been there till night.

Suji looked down at her watch.

It was already late.

She stood up and headed out the door, closing the door slowly while staring at his body.

Suji didn't really feel safe anymore.. She didn't feel protected.

Before Suji could even walk out the hospital, she checked her phone to see if she got any messages or calls from anybody.

24 miss calls

Suji opened her phone and saw that it was Euna. She called Euna.

"Hello?" She said in a quiet voice.

Just, How? {Lee Suji & Ji Hansol FF}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora