CH 10: Childhood Crush

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Suji didn't know what to say and Hansol was getting embarrassed.

"I'm sorry-"

"Yes, I like you." Suji said all of a sudden.

"You do?" Hansol tried to hide his smile.

"Yeeees." Suji smiled.


And that's the end..

But wait.. It's not gonna end that easily..

Suji opened the café and as soon as she was settling in, 3 girls came in.

"May I help you?" Suji asked them.

"Oh." The girls all said and started whispering to each other.

"Ahh, you must be the new workers.." Suji smiled. "Well your aprons are around the back." Suji wanted to act nice. She didn't want a problem happening early in the morning.

"Where's the other workers?" One of the girls asked.

"And what's your names?" Suji asked, totally ignoring her question.

"My name is Eunbi, that's Yebin and that's Hyunjoo." One of the girls said.

They all look innocent, yet so careless. Suji silently scoffed at her thought.

"Okay Eunbi, and what's your schedule?" Suji asked.

"Uh.. I work 2:00PM till 8:00PM weekdays." Eunbi stated.

"Oh.. Really?? How about you Yewon?"

"3:00PM to 9:00PM weekends and Monday till Wednesday.." Yewon admitted.

"And how about you Hyunjoo?" Suji looked at Hyunjoo who was innocently staring at Suji as if she lost her mother.

"11:00AM to 5PM Thursday to Friday then the weekends."

"Oh. You guys are so early.. It's only Thursday. 9:30AM." Suji said.

They're so gullible.. How are they even gonna work if they don't know how to think. Suji silently laughed at her thought.

"Well the boys asked for help early in the morning." Yebin said.

Suji choked on her saliva.

"Who said that??"

"Hwanhee, where is he?" Yebin asked.

"Hwanhee.. He's totally gonna die today.." Suji clenched her fists then the door ringed.

Suji put her apron quickly then took the customer's order.

Hansol comes at 12:00PM and works till 6:00PM, he's off weekends. Suji comes at 9:00AM and ends at 3:00PM, and lastly Hwanhee comes at 4:00PM till 10:00PM, he's off weekends also. And Suji's mom comes at 12:00PM till 10:00PM.

The girls did nothing except sit down there, doing nothing. Fiddling with their phones and always looks at the customers coming in, until Hansol came in.

"Hansol!!" The girls shouted and ran to him smiling.

"Oh my gosh." Suji whispered to herself.

Hansol came to the counter.

"Suji help me." Hansol looked at Suji, pleading with his eyes.

"No." Suji said smiling.


Though Suji hated the idea to leave Hansol with the girls, she wanted alone time with herself.

Suji was walking the streets of Seoul when she accidently bumped into someone.

She looked up and widened her eyes.

Oh my gosh. Suji gulped, still having her eyes widened.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I know him.." Suji said, failing to say it in her mind. Suji slapped her mouth. "Suji your such a bumbum!!" Suji said quietly to herself, slapping her mouth once again.

People had to walk around her because she was just standing still, doing nothing except slapping her mouth and mumbling out words.

"Are you seriously okay? I can take you to the hospital if your seriously hurt, oh please stop slapping your mouth, you're gonna hurt yourself more-" He said concerned.

Suji widened her eyes even wider than before.

"No, no I'm okay!.." Suji said, smiling awkwardly.

He was Suji's childhood crush. Bae Seungmin.

All Suji could remember was her watching him all the time, play with his friends and the way he talks.. The way he smiles..

Suji snapped out of her thoughts, shaking her head.

"No, you don't seem alright." Seungmin said.

Should I take that as an insult? I mean, at least he concerned about me but still. He thinks I'm mental. Suji thought.

"I am okay, thank you for asking." Suji said calmly.

"My name is Seungmin by the way."

Yeah, I know. Suji thought.

"My name is Lee Suji. But you can call me Suji." Suji said, hoping he'd remember her.

"Ohh.. Lee Suji!!" He said and Suji smiled. "Like the comedian!" Seungmin laughed and Suji's smiled dropped.

She's always been teased just because they have the same name.

"Yeahhh. Like the comedian." Suji faked laugh.

"Anyways we should hang out one time."

Suji lost feelings for Seungmin but at least they can become friends.

"Yeah, we should." Suji smiled.

Seungmin gave her his phone. "Please add your contact." He smiled.

Suji noticed he had a lot of contacts with what seemed to be girls.

Gee, good thing I got over him years and years ago. Suji thought and was relieved.

"Thanks, we'll meet up tomorrow?" He asked.


"Great! Thanks, see you tomorrow."

Suji was shocked. She didn't even say anything, just murmured an "Um" and now they're hanging out tomorrow. Amazing.

Suji was watching Seungmin walk the way Suji came from. She took a deep breath and started to go where she was going. The cemetery.


I haven't updated in a few days, that's cause I was busy with school but tomorrow's the last day woooohoooo :)) thanks for supporting, and if you like this story so far, please vote!1 BTW THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 250+ READS WOOOO

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