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Laying quiet, I just listened. Another sound, hoof beats, the squeak of leather, and my heart thumped hard against my ribs. Where I was, I faced the entrance unable see them through my lashes yet, but it wouldn't be long. Could be they'd not yet seen me either. Cracking my eyes open, I risked a glance about, then moved fast.

The first bullet clipped the rock near my head, the next went through the sleeve of my shirt, burning my skin. Echoes of thunder roared inside the small space as I lunged for cover, rolling behind the trunk of a fallen tree as more bullets dusted the ground where I'd been. The bay had jumped to the far side of the cave, tossing his head, but so far hadn't abandoned me.

Sweat dripping into my eyes, I was all shaky at the close call. The rifle was still in my hands, and feeling the metal under my fingers, I let my anger boil up. Shifting a mite, I took a quick glance out then ducked back as the sharp whine of slugs screamed past my ears. Positioning the Sharps, I nestled down a bit, taking careful aim as I drew in the slack from the trigger.

Taking in a breath, I let it out slow then squeezed, feeling the hard kick against my shoulder as the rifle spoke. More thunder roared as the response came, and for a few intense moments bullets ripped through the air and dirt inches from me. Then just as suddenly as it started, the air went still, acrid smoke from gunpowder burning my nostrils. It hung in the air like mist.

Right about then I felt a hot burning and looked down. Blood spread in a widening circle beneath my skirt, my jaw gritting as pain set in. It felt to be a furrow in my thigh, nothing more. I'd have to care for that later. Straining to see, I kept still, hoping they'd think me hit seriously.

A faint muttering, a few sounds, were they coming? I silently counted out how many bullets I had left and cursed under my breath. Another round of flying lead and I'd be dead. I had to fight smart, fight smart or die.

"Ree!" The shout came from beyond the uneven terrain, the far side of the river. "You hear me?"

Lips twisting in scorn, I almost rolled my eyes. Like I was some wet nosed whelp who'd answer. Was he ever going to learn?

"Ree, don't let this go on. We can end it all, even let you walk away. But we want the gold first, an' I know you have it."

Over my dead body, I told myself. Gold fever didn't allow for generosity, nor sharing. Those men meant to kill me, for they wanted the gold, and no witnesses to their murder. Taking opportunity to care for myself, I ripped off my sleeve, twisting it tightly over the fresh wound in my leg, trying not to whimper. Powerful thirsty, I dared not attempt to get my canteen, or the ammunition for my rifle.

In those moments of silence, clear thinking got hold of me. I needed to escape. Somehow, I had to get to the bay and ride out of here like I'd been set on fire. If I stayed- if they caught me...well, I didn't much like to think on that, but truth was, I'd be dead. Even as I thought it, the small shine of sunlight on metal caught my eye.

With a powerful whap, the bullet struck dirt so close to my face my skin flashed hot from it. Dirt exploded into my eyes and ear, the crack so loud it was deafening. For a stunned fraction of a second, I was frozen. A hot poker of iron laid across the flesh of my upper arm, another branding the skin of my neck. With a lunge I was on my feet, running, grabbing the warbag as I passed it.

The bay was tossing his head, half rearing but let me leap to his back, catching hold of his mane. Bunching his feet under him, he took a powerful leap, then flattened out in a ground-eating gallop. Just as I thought I'd made a stunning getaway, white-hot pain tore along my ribs. A choking cry bubbled from me as I clutched the bay's mane, muscles locked.

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