TwinleafShipping [Dawn x Barry]

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Barry is a person who's always rushing to get everywhere

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Barry is a person who's always rushing to get everywhere. He cared about going fast and getting strong as soon as possible. Patience? He doesn't know her! Barry wanted everything NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!

Dawn, I'm assuming we're going with the anime version, is a contest star who is great at making Poffins. She's funny and is like your own personal cheerleader. She's a huge optimist but can get annoyed very easily. She makes snide remarks sometimes and is all around best girl. (Don't hate me for saying she's best companion)

Barry and Dawn Together is a very passionate pairing. Barry wants to move fast while Dawn is constantly reminding him to slow down and enjoy the little things. Barry goes to every one of Dawn's contests and cheers as loudly as possible, causing Dawn to feel flattered and embarrassed at the same time. In turn, Dawn is at his gym battles and cheering him on through everything. They can be the most supportive couple in all of the regions! 

Barry is very excitable, so on birthdays and anniversaries he makes huge plans and drags Dawn all over the place. Dawn takes a while to get used to it, but after a while she isn't fazed by Barry randomly grabbing her wrist and starting to run. Piplup and Barry are At eachother's throats often, fighting for Dawn's attention. 

Dawn cooks all the time because Barry always wants it to go by faster and multiplies to try and get it done quicker. Dawn also does all the shopping because Barry will just grab the first thing he sees and calls it a day. But what Barry is good at is calming Dawn down when she's sad and telling someone off when he needs to. He also helps with suggesting super cool things her Pokemon could do in contests.

These two are cute together and have great chemistry! What my rating would be?

On a scale of Justin Bieber to Michael Jackson [Justin being the lowest rating] I will have to rate them Bruno Mars

8/10 for you simpletons.

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