chapter 6

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I opened my eyes to see I was in a new area,  I was in my comedy corner, but the place looked different.

I noticed no one was here so I turned into human from and started walking around.

"where are we". I heard a familiar female voice say.

I started running to where I thought the room they were in was.  When I got there they were all broken and had scraped parts.

"what happened to you guys"? I asked.

"all I remember is seeing everyone get shut off". Freddy said turning human.

He had a lot of injuries as a human as well.  Soon Chica and Bonnie changed.

"is there a way to fix you all"? I asked worried.

"I could see if I had blueprints, but if I don't I have no idea how to". Bonnie said.

"I can look for them". I said.

"really,  you would do that for us"? Chica said.

"of course,  I love all for you guys". I said not realizing how it sounded.

"aww, how sweet of you". Chica said while the boys just blushed and looked away.

"I wonder why I'm the only one who isn't scraped"? I asked looking at myself.

"probably because you the newest and the best working as a animatronic". Bonnie said.

"maybe". I said.

"Who is there"? Someone asked from the darkness.

"no,  who are you"? I said.

"we asked you first"? They said.

"I'm Freddy, this is Bonnie,  this is Chica, and this is y/n". Freddy said.

"no your not,  that's who we are". A newer looking Freddy said.

"wait,  they made new animatronics"? I said shocked.

"were the better version". A new Chica said.

"no,  your just copies". I said getting upset.

"you were scraped, obviously we're better". A cracked voice said from the ceiling.

I looked up to see a torn up fox animatronic.

"w.. Who are you". I asked them.

"I'm mangle of course"
They said getting closer to the ground.

"your the new member of our gang aren't you,  y/n the comedian I think" a new Bonnie said.

"I will never be apart our you gang". I said.

"you have no choice sweetie, it's for the kids". Bonnie said.

"don't call me that,  but,  if it's for the kids I guess I will,  but I will never be friends with you". I said.

"fine by us". New Chica said.

They walked off to who knows where.

"I'm going to look for the blueprints, you guess try not to hurt yourself to much,  and help foxy would ya". I said pointing to the unconscious robot fox.

I then went to look for the blueprints.

Hi everyone, I may not update as often because I'm not into fnaf as much,  but I still like the game,  but since people like my book I will try to update. Anyway, byeee

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