question + update

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Hello! I'm super super sorry for the lack of updates, I sorta fell out of the fnaf community, though I do sometimes watch marks gameplay, but other than that I'm not exactly in the fandom anymore.... 

Having that said, I am going to revise if and rewrite it. Although I don't enjoy this as much, I don't want to leave you all with an unfinished story, since I don't like that myself.

I have been focusing on my own more personal stories, and plan to migrate from fandoms to my own personal stories, I hope they do as well as my fanfics did.

^Question 1^

Would you like me too have y/n bi(or pan)? I think it's a bit unfair to have only X male characters, though I did sneak some chica into it. If you would like me to make it a complete bi(or pan) story I will!

^Question 2^

I saw that someone had suggested multiple endings, so would you like that? I can make the main story, then around the final I can have the character choose one, but have multiple chapters for each available character

√story news√

I am going to make a whole new book for this story, but it'll have the same story line just written differently. The first chapter will be long and describe what's happened in this book so far, while the rest will be a bit smaller and continued the story (plus the multiple endings if that's chosen)

Anyways, thank you for reading, and I hope you don't mind this set back


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