Sitting in the back with Rossi beside her, Ana was on a different kind of journey. In silence she observed Reid’s intense concentration and focus, his single-minded pursuit.

This is how he went after Sarah. This same headlong dash. A race against nature’s clock…or maybe fate’s. The dividing line between life and death is so narrow. From one minute to the next. Or one second to the next. He couldn’t have done any more. It’s just not humanly possible. There was never a chance for Sarah.

Rossi didn’t know why Ana bowed her head and cried without making a sound, but he didn’t interfere. He had a feeling there was a lot about this girl that would always defy his understanding.


When the car Hotch had rented came into view, both Morgan and Rossi shouted for Reid to stop. They needn’t have bothered. The trail disappeared a few yards further on, giving way to nothing more than a footpath winding its way among the trees.

All four passengers piled out. A glance into the car verified its vacancy. At the top of the incline, they halted, looking at the swathe of crushed undergrowth that marked where Hotch had fallen. Reid started to make his way down the slope. Morgan threw his hands up in frustration and called after the sliding, stumbling doctor.

“He’s not down there, kid!”

Reid kept going, half falling in his haste to reach the bottom.

“Reid! C’mon! Let’s keep going!”

Rossi added his voice to the clamor. “Reid, we need to spread out and search! Reid!”

“Stop it.” Ana’s soft command, had a tone that made both men obey. At least for a few heartbeats of silence. But Morgan was born to challenge. And he didn’t know this stranger who was giving orders.

“We don’t have time for this. Reid even said so!” He looked down to where the young agent was squatting and running his hands over the ground. “Well, I’m gonna go find Hotch.” Morgan turned toward the trees that seemed to close ranks before him. “Rossi? You coming?”

“Wait a minute, Derek. I don’t know what’s going on here, but we need to give Reid a chance. This is his game; we’re newcomers.” He could hear Morgan’s impatience in his movements as he strode to the end of the road, straining to be off and hunting for their leader.

What felt like a waste of time, in reality was less than three minutes. Reid clambered back up the slope, grasping the hand Rossi offered to help him scale the last few feet. He was breathing hard. Both older agents spoke simultaneously, peppering him with questions.

“What was that all about?,” “Can we go now?,” “Did you see anything down there?,” “CAN WE GO NOW?”

QUIET!” Reid’s eyes were closed, the heels of his hands pressed against his forehead. “Stop talking at me! Please! Please. I need to listen.”

Morgan and Rossi exchanged looks, but neither broke the silence again. Ana moved closer to Reid. After a moment, she closed her eyes, too, and leaned in, resting her head against his shoulder. As the others watched, Reid whispered, “Ana.” He brought one hand down and encircled her with his arm, pulling her even closer. Both their faces went eerily still and blank. When Morgan began to fidget and was about to speak, Reid opened his eyes. Ana followed suit a split second later.

I see him!” And Reid was off like a shot, dodging among the trees, running full out.

Morgan was close on his heels, looking frantically from side to side. “Where?! Kid, I don’t see anything! Where is he?”

“Not far,” Reid threw over his shoulder.

That was when Morgan realized the type of vision Reid was using to ‘see’ Hotch.


Rossi knew he couldn’t keep up with the frantic pace of the younger men. He dug out the standard first aid kit kept in all Bureau vehicles. Grabbing a couple of blankets, he handed them to Ana.

Together, they followed as quickly as they could. Rossi trusted the girl would be able to track Reid even if he wasn’t visible. He had a growing suspicion that she shared the same kind of ‘sight’ that the young doctor was using to locate Hotch.


Hotch had abandoned his one rule…that he try to travel in a straight line.

Somehow it didn’t matter anymore. And it took too much effort. There were long pauses between his attempts to pull himself from one hand-hold to the next. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t just stop and rest. It would be so nice to lie down and close his eyes.

His mind was filled with strange lines of random poetry. One in particular recurred with tempting frequency.

            The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

            But I have promises to keep,

            And miles to go before I sleep.

It made him long to stretch out on the cool, pine-scented ground and…just…stop. He’d worked so hard all his life. He felt he’d earned the right to lie down and rest.

Movement was becoming more and more difficult.

And now he was hearing things. Hearing his name. He decided he must be hallucinating at last. He’d expected it, but hadn’t known what form it would take.

As he turned to look toward the voices that his weary mind must be generating, he shook his head and spared himself a rueful smile.

Of course. I should have known. Can’t leave the office behind even out in the middle of nowhere. Haley was right. I’m obsessed with my job.

He marveled at how accurately his strained, exhausted brain could reproduce his teammates’ voices. And the vision of them running toward him.

So I’m having aural as well as visual illusions.

The last thing Hotch thought as he fell forward was how surprising it was to have tactile hallucinations as well. Didn’t matter. Falling into the mirage of Derek Morgan’s arms was one of the nicest feelings he’d ever had. He could rest now. The miles were behind him and he could sleep…just as the poem had promised.

It was as good a way to end as any.

Evolution, a Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now