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Gender: Female
Alignment: Good
Company: Square Enix
Origin: "Final Fantasy VII" (1997)
Weight: Medium
Emblem: "FF" logo
Voice actress: Rachel Leigh Cook
Boxing Ring Alias: "Heartfelt Fighter"


Cloud's childhood friends joins the party! With a gameplay similar to that of Ryu, Cap. Falcon and (to an extent) the Mii Brawler, Tifa bursts into action with quick kicks, punches and some magic!

Show 'em that the planet is worth fighting for!

-Her from the original game and her from Advent Children.

-Adjusts her glove and stands in a fighting position.

Idle animation:
-The same from Dissidia, with the addition of her putting her arms behind her back and leaning forwards with a curious look.

Special moves:

B: Blizzard▲+B: Dolphin Blow
►+B: Beat Rush
▼+B: Falcon's Dive
Final Smash: Final Heaven
Up: Cracks her knuckles while saying "Time to get serious!"Down: Raises her hand to her face and giggles.Side: Does her summoning animation.Alternate costumes:
Classic PinkAdvent BlueClassic Light BlueAdvent RedClassic GreenAdvent Brown
Victory pose:
-Stretches her arms and back while saying: "Ahhh, all done!" (from Dissidia 012)-Sighs in relief and stands in her original artwork pose while saying "That was a bit underwhelming"-Does a couple of kicks and punches while saying: "Come back when you're stronger!"
-VS. Cloud: "Sorry about that, Cloud!"
-VS. Lightning: "That was a nice warmup, Light!"
Victory music:
-The from Final Fantasy VII.


"J-E-N-O-V-A" (Final Fantasy VII)"Opening-Bombing Mission" (Final Fantasy VII)

-Tifa (Alt.)
-Final Heaven (Final Smash)  

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