Chapter 24

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Draco and Hermione had a silent agreement that they didn't talk about the sex they would have after tense missions or the fun things Draco did to help Hermione relax when they were working on her circle.

Hermione could now bring the circle up and hold it while she performed Merlins more complicated spells.

"What do you want for your birthday?" asked Hermione one boring afternoon at work

"Are you coming to my party?" asked Draco

"Yes of coarse" answered Hermione

"That's enough then I don't exactly want for anything" he said

"I know something I can give you" said Hermione with a smirk going back to her work

Since Dragon and the other Granger elves had restored the Malfoy manor in the last 4 months and it had finally held together, Astoria had insisted that Draco have a birthday party. It was going to be in the restored wing in the ball room. Draco had gone all out at her insistence and it was looking to be the party of the year. Morgana had even agreed to hold all missions off unless there was an imminent threat.

"I'll be back in a second" said Draco leaving their office and walking down to Harry's.

"Harry do you have a moment?" he asked

"Sure sit down" said Harry curiously

"Can Ron join us?" asked Draco nervously as he sat down

"Sure....Ron can you come in here please" he said push his communication device that had be modelled after their rings for the Aurors.

"Hey guys what's up?" said Ron walking in.

"I wanted to talk to you about my birthday party" said Draco still nervous

"Oh yeah it's going to be great" said Ron who since realising that Draco cared for Hermione at Christmas had been very friendly towards him although he didn't know about their physical engagements.

"yeah....Um's um" Said Draco not sure how to bring this subject up as it was a painful part of their history that they hadn't spoken about.

"Spit it out" said Harry.

"It's in the west wing ball room and to get to the ball room you need to come in the way you did.....last time" he said hesitantly

"oh" said Harry catching on quickly

"Last time?... we haven't been your place since... oh" said Ron finally getting what Draco was saying.

"Hermione will be coming through the library and then the elves will take her over directly into the Ball room but I can't let you in the library....Dragon could bring you in directly from your place though if you wanted" he said

"It will be fine we can go the way everyone else does I'd like to see the restorations" said Ron nonchalantly

Harry and Draco were both a little shocked.

"You know it's funny if you had told me I'd be excited to go to Draco Malfoys Birthday party ten years ago I'd have thought you were barking mad but time changes everything" said Ron happily

Draco thought Ron had lost his mind and Harry thought Ron was drunk.

"You alright Ron" asked Harry.

"Yeah why... anyway I've got to go back to work some kids spiked the drinks at his little brother's birthday party and now all the kids are green" said Ron getting up and leaving Harrys office

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