Chapter 16

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It had been 2 months since that day, Draco and Hermione both showed up to work the next Monday like it hadn't happened. They were courteous and polite in front of other and still were an excellent team 210 arrests. Just in the lead with Seamus and Alexis on 203 arrests, Jackson and Penelope on 201 arrests and Gideon and Lina and Kyron and Davina on 200 arrests. They hadn't spoken really at all unless necessary. Hermione missed their closeness but Draco seemed happy to have her at arm's length so she didn't push it. Hermione hadn't seem Oscar again after that night and a week later had ended her agreements with all her other casual friends. Victor was the only person she would see like that but it wasn't as frequent.

They were sitting at their desks doing the usual paper work of potion inventory and mission notes when Draco had had enough of the silence, the day had dragged on and he was bored and wanted to talk to Hermione.

"Have you read Merlins Grimoire yet" he asked casually as if they were talking about it yesterday

"Oh I've tried to a few times...but" she said quietly not looking at him

"What's wrong" he asked a little forcefully then he meant to.

"I just felt a bit strange reading them when we are like this" she said gesturing to the space between them

"Why" he asked curiously

"Because they're your family's heir loom, and we don't speak unless it's about work and on missions we talk even less" she said sadly

"I know I'm sorry what do you say to a do over" asked Draco with a little smile

"What are we twelve" laughed Hermione

"Is that a yes" he laughed

"Ok sure" she replied still laughing at him

"Perfect I'll come over tonight and we can start reading them" he said matter of factly

"Um ok" she said a little shocked at the sudden 'let's be friends and were going to hang out reading' attitude of Draco's but it was better than polite nothingness.

At 5 pm Hermione grabbed her bag and walked with Draco silently to the lift. Harry and Ron were waiting as per usual on the days they were all in the office. Harry gave Hermione a strange look and then got in the lift, Ron was oblivious to his surroundings as usual. The lift ride to the lobby was filled with Ron talking non-stop about his current case of two wizarding family that live in muggle Manchester who like to change the colour of each other's house or lawn at night.

They walked to the floo and Harry went through first to get away from the awkwardness, Ron followed then Hermione and then Draco. When Hermione stepped through at Grimmauld Place she was greeted by Harry's questions but before she could answer Draco stepped out behind her.

They all stood a little awkwardly for a few second before the elves came bouncing in.

"Miss Hermione's Home" they sang

"Mr Draco you came back" bounced Love

"Hermione is your house elf wearing Slytherin robes" asked Draco looking at Love

"She's a big fan of yours" said Hermione

"oh oh oh yes I am" she bounced

"I'll go get the books" Hermione turned and walked away

"Do you want a beverage Mr Draco" asked Freelie holding a try of butter beer

"Mr Draco Mr Draco are you staying for dinner" bounced love

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